10 Best Jobs in Healthcare

1 Min Read

Over the years I’ve supported young healthcare professionals with my ideas about the best jobs in healthcare.  These usually arose as a result of the difficulty I found in finding qualified candidates for openings in my healthcare organizations. I’m always open to seeing the lists of others, and have to agree with this list. Two that always seem to be at the top of my list are physicial therapist and pharmacist. If I had to guess #11, it might be Speech and Language Therapist and #12 Gerontologist.


Over the years I’ve supported young healthcare professionals with my ideas about the best jobs in healthcare.  These usually arose as a result of the difficulty I found in finding qualified candidates for openings in my healthcare organizations. I’m always open to seeing the lists of others, and have to agree with this list. Two that always seem to be at the top of my list are physicial therapist and pharmacist. If I had to guess #11, it might be Speech and Language Therapist and #12 Gerontologist.


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