10 Tips to Avoid Burnout While Working From Home 

8 Min Read

With more companies allowing their employees to work remotely or in the office, more people than ever before are choosing to work from the comfort of their homes. While there are many benefits like not having to deal with traffic and saving on gas, being a remote worker does present its own set of challenges. Here we’ll cover what burnout is, signs that you may be feeling this way, and better habits you can build to help you avoid this while you continue to work from home.

What is Burnout?

Burnout is a form of stress that can feel like the overwhelming feeling of not being able to keep up with the never-ending demands of life and work. Feelings of burnout can coincide with symptoms of depression and anxiety, which is why prevention is key to creating a safe and healthy workspace in your home.

Common Signs of Burnout

To prevent work burnout, it’s necessary to understand what it can look like and unless you’ve experienced it yourself, it can be difficult to recognize the signs. Although the symptoms can vary from person to person, these are the more common ones to look out for:

  • Loss of motivation
  • Reduced performance
  • Trouble focusing
  • Feeling physically ill daily
  • Increased irritability
  • Change in sleeping habits
  • Feelings of dread or helplessness
  • Detachment or withdrawal from people
  • Decreased satisfaction and sense of accomplishment

Tips to Prevent Burnout 

Working from home presents many challenges, but adopting some of these small, positive changes can help you make working from home a more enjoyable experience. 

1. Change of Scenery

Depending on the kind of remote work you do, one of the perks might be having the opportunity to choose where you want your office to be when you need a break from sitting at home. A popular choice for many is to visit a local, quiet coffee shop, while others might prefer to take their work out onto the balcony or backyard. 

A portable power station can allow you to choose where you work from and help you power up all the necessary devices you need to do your job. 

2. Set Boundaries

When working from home, the lines between your personal and work life can blur, making it very important to establish strict boundaries for yourself. Separating your time at work from your personal time is vital to avoiding burnout and continuing to be an effective worker. 

Take the time to enjoy your lunch without checking your emails or letting a call outside office hours go to voicemail. These are just a few examples of how you can respect your boundaries.

3. Prioritize Self-Care

Too much stress can seriously affect your physical and mental health, which is why self-care needs to be a priority. Self-care can mean something different to everyone, so determine what it means to you. Then make sure you’re taking time in your day to prioritize your well-being. Whether taking a nap, walking in the park or even meditating for just a few minutes each day, don’t skip the opportunity to do something for yourself. You deserve it!

4. Establish a Routine

While hitting the snooze button when you first hear your alarm might sound appealing, establishing a realistic morning routine can boost your productivity at work. 

Set a firm time to wake up and get ready each day. A morning routine sets you up to successfully take on that workload waiting for you. 

Also, make time for short breaks throughout your work day. It can reduce stress and also help you have fewer distractions overall!

5. Connect With Your Social Network

One of the challenges of working from home is how isolating it can sometimes feel sitting in front of your computer all day. Make regular plans to go out and socialize with your loved ones. It is a great way to ease those feelings of loneliness. 

Another great way to stay connected is finding events that allow you to network with other professionals in your community. 

6. Get Some Exercise

Getting up and making time to exercise is just as beneficial for your mental health as it is for your physical health too. Whether it’s unplugging for twenty minutes to go on a short walk or taking that Pilates class you’ve been meaning to try, physical exercise can help you regain focus and boost your mood and energy too. 

7. Keep Yourself Organized

Having an organized space is particularly important when working from home, to work more efficiently and stay motivated. Having a disorganized space can lead to increased levels of stress, causing you to lose focus and waste time that could be better spent. 

8. Use Food for Fuel

Just like a car, our bodies need fuel and choosing quality products makes a difference in how we operate. Choosing processed foods high in sugar and fat can leave you feeling sluggish and losing motivation throughout the day. Instead, reaching for whole, nutritious foods can enhance your mood, help you feel fuller for longer, and create a strong foundation for adopting better habits.

9. Get Enough Sleep

As we know, sleep is crucial for how the brain functions and greatly impacts your energy and alert levels. Not receiving adequate sleep can leave you thinking irrationally and feeling emotionally drained. Making sure to unplug and get to bed at a proper time ensures you’re giving your brain the tools it needs to perform its best day in and day out. 

10. Reach Out for Help

Burnout is serious and should be taken seriously if you feel you are beginning to feel symptoms. No paycheck is worth more than your well-being and no one should have to struggle alone. Find support from loved ones, coworkers, or a licensed professional to help you navigate those feelings.

Final Thoughts

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance at home is not always easy, but it is always worth it! We hope these tips can help you stay productive while avoiding burnout when working from home. 

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