13 Tips for Fighting Mobile Device Threats in Healthcare

2 Min Read

I’ve been on a bit of a roll lately with data security and lately it is focused on mobile devices.  Here is another article, this one with 13 tips for fighting mobile device threats in healthcare organizations.

I’ve been on a bit of a roll lately with data security and lately it is focused on mobile devices.  Here is another article, this one with 13 tips for fighting mobile device threats in healthcare organizations.

My offering is first and I really like it, because it isn’t so techie!  It takes me back to my risk management roots and pre-tech days! Additionally, I think it is much better than using glue to plug up the port.  What if you ever want to use that port for legit reasons?

1. Consider USB locks.

2. Try geolocation tracking software or services

3. Brick the device if it becomes lost or stolen.

4. Encrypt, encrypt, encrypt.

5. Forget about ‘sleep mode.’ 

6. Recognize that employees will use personal devices.

7. Use strong safeguards to permit access to PHI through mobile devices.

8. Educate employees on the importance of safeguarding their mobile.

9. Implement electronic protected health information (EPHI) security.

10. Work to get ahead of the “BYOD upgrade curve.”

11. Have a proactive data management strategy.

12. Keep in mind transparency and end-user consent opt-in.

13. Remember that the mobile Web and “app” landscape is not your father’s Internet. 

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