5 Ways A Facelift Can Make You Look Young And Feel Vibrant Again

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  If your appearance isn’t what it used to be and those anti-aging creams and facials are no longer doing the trick, it might be time to consider a facelift. While fine lines and wrinkles are tell-tale signs of aging, there are other changes such as the development of jowls that simply can’t be corrected with topical products alone. Even though facelift surgery is an invasive procedure that requires downtime, it is also very versatile, which means it can invigorate your appearance in a number of different ways. If you have been wondering whether a facelift is the best next step for you, here are a few of the rejuvenating effects that you can expect.

The 5 Rejuvenating Effects of a Facelift

1. A Youthful Neck

Very often, we focus so much on fighting the signs of aging on our faces that we forget our necks need attention too. It’s only when your necks start to sag that you realize aging has taken its toll on this delicate area too. Surgeons such as Dr. Michael Zacharia use lower facelift surgery to address both the neck and the jawline, which helps create a more contoured look, irons out deep creases and lifts the lower half of the face. In some cases, only a neck tuck is required but a lower facelift can achieve much more. If both your jowls and neck have started to sag, a lower facelift can address both these issues.

2. Refreshed and Awake Eye Area

If you tend to look tired regardless of how much sleep you get, a facelift that includes eyelid surgery can help. Facelifts that include eyelid surgery target the upper half of the face, leaving patients with a more youthful and energized appearance. Following a facelift, many patients follow a post-operative treatment plan that includes fillers and anti-wrinkle injections, which help them to maintain their new appearance. Your surgeon will be able to assist you with a tailored treatment and maintenance plan.

3. A Defined Chin

Nobody wants to live with a double chin but it does become more likely the older you get, primarily because the skin becomes less elastic. A lower facelift is the ideal way to target both your chin and jawline, leaving you with a more defined side profile. A lower facelift can also make your face appear less round if this is a concern for you.

4. Contoured Cheek Bones

Volume loss and skin laxity are par for the course as you age. As the skin on your cheeks is pulled down, it creates that sunken look that makes you appear much older than you are. A facelift can lift the cheek area and give your face more structure. Dermal fillers can be used as an ongoing treatment to maintain these fresh contours.

5. Smooth Forehead

The forehead is another area that tends to sag with age, creating a heavy look that also transfers to your eye area. A facelift can help lift the skin on the forehead to create a smoother, more youthful appearance. Again, a post-operative treatment plan that includes anti-wrinkle injections can help you maintain your new appearance.

Understanding Your Facelift Options

Here are the different types of facelifts that your surgeon may offer: Deep Plane/Full Facelift Deep plan or full facelifts are ideal for patients who require a dramatic lift that lasts 10 – 15 years. This is because surgeons focus on the deeper layers of tissue during this particular type of facelift. During this procedure, excess fat and skin are removed and the underlying tissues are repositioned and lifted to create a more youthful appearance. Patients will need anywhere from three weeks to a month to recover from this procedure. Mid-Facelift A mid-facelift is a type of deep-style procedure but surgeons only focus on the middle of the face. The ideal candidate for a mid-facelift is someone who doesn’t have severe sagging on the chin and neck areas. Mid-facelifts focus on reducing sagging in the cheeks and eyelids. Patients will only require about one to two weeks to recover. Mini Facelift A mini facelift is designed to lift sagging cheeks and reduce the appearance of jowls. A mini facelift is less invasive, which means recovery is quicker and scarring is minimal. If you only have moderate facial sagging, a mini facelift is a better option. While a full facelift focuses on lifting and tightening the entire face, a mini facelift only addresses the lower face and neck area. If you want to find out more about the approach you should be taking based on your surgical goals, find an experienced and qualified facial surgeon and schedule a one-on-one consultation. It’s always better when your face can be examined and you can ask a surgeon questions as they come up. Conclusion A reputable surgeon will always give you all the information you need to make an informed decision and help you set realistic expectations about what can be achieved. Since facelift surgery is life-changing, it’s important not to rush this decision and to find a surgeon you feel comfortable with. Don’t forget to ask as many questions as you need to about your surgeon’s qualifications and experience with facelifts.

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Damian Wolf is an entrepreneur and experienced author with articles published in several top online publications. He is working remotely from 2011, participating and improving projects hosted in the Middle East, the United States and Australia. Damian comes from the land of kangaroos, and when he's not online, you can find him jogging or hiking around.
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