7 Email Marketing Ideas For Healthcare Communication

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Email is one of the most popular and successful tools for communication and marketing in the world. In healthcare communication, it can be one of the best ways to reach your patients or people who want to soon become patients too. You can do many great things with your email list. People often read their emails, especially if they come from such an important service like medical service. So, you can bank on this and use your emails to turn leads into patients and engage with existent patients too. Here are some of the ideas.

Educate people with your emails

One of the best ways to engage people is to send them content that educates them. Give them tips, advice and useful resources they can use to improve their lives. For instance, tell them how to deal with the flu, how to help their children best when they have a flu, how to deal with nausea and so on. The more personalized your list, the better. Then you can send pregnancy advice to pregnant women, heart health articles to people with heart issues, diet articles to people struggling with weight and so on.

Collect the data of your clients and then offer personalized tips that will be of some use to them. This is a way to impress them, show them that you  care, that you know what?s going on in their lives. However, be very careful with certain groups and track what?s happening – for example, it would be a terrible thing to send pregnancy emails to a woman who miscarried.

Introduce what happens behind the scenes

You can use your email newsletter to introduce some of your staff, yourself, how your building or offices look, what the procedures are like and so on. People like the behind the scenes content because it shows them a different side of you which they are not familiar with. You can also use this to send information on your new staff, doctors, nurses and so on. This will include your audience into the events in your clinic.

Behind the scenes pictures and emails can give them a unique insight – they can begin to feel like they know the doctors, nurses and other staff. So, they will also be more comfortable when they come to the clinic.

Send original videos

You can also create useful videos of various procedures, helpful tips and techniques on CPR, helping with different wounds and so on. This is usually fun as you create your own videos and get to show others who you really are.

People are now more and more inclined to watch videos as they show information in a simple, digestible way. You will need a bit more quality in a video but it can work. You can also turn your blog posts into videos where you would add more information for your users and show them some practical tips for various health care issues, beauty issues, cuts or bruise issues etc.

Offer a special deal

You can use your email to offer special deals to your customers. For those who use your services as a family, for example, they could get a discount for their newest family member or you could introduce some discounts and plans for monthly checkups. All of these things help you establish your authority as a reputable service.

Send a pricing list

People usually like to see the prices before they go to any store or before they can come to any clinic. These services often get expensive and they don?t want to enter your office only to find out that they are unable to pay. It?s very disappointing and embarrassing for them. So, use your email to send them your pricing list.

Update on a new service

If your clinic gets a new service, you can use your email newsletter to send information and promotions on those services. You can tell them which doctor is offering the new service and help them understand whether they need it.

Surveys and feedback email

Using your email newsletter to send surveys that clients can fill out simply and quickly is a great idea. You can find out more about your service, staff, pain points, issues and so on. You can promise a reward to anyone who fills out the form properly with honest answers and you can also make the questions short and easy to respond to.


Email, as one of the best marketing tools to date, is quick and personal. It can not only help you reach more people but also engage and re-engage with existing ones and ones that haven?t visited your practice for a while. Interest them with a new service or some great content. You can also do many other things. Just pick a strategy that works for you and mix and match these tips to get the best results.

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Freddie Tubbs is an internal communications professional at UK Writings and Boom Essays. He regularly attends business and marketing events, and contributes posts to the Vault and Essay Roo blogs.
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