Want to work with us? 

Want to work with us? 

HealthWorks Collective is published by Social Media Today, LLC. Our sponsorship opportunties start with an interesting story on a topic that is important to your customers. Those stories may take the form of original research, a webinar, video interviews, sponsored posts, or ebooks. Social Media Today’s trained content consultants will work with you to determine the best story and its format for your objectives. Then we will throw the entire weight of our five sites, our email database of over 200,000, our Twitter, Pinterest, Google Plus, LinkedIn and Facebook channels into the effort to help you meet your goals, whether those are building your brand, establishing thought-leadership, bringing people to your site, or generating leads and registrations.

So what do we do?

Directed Influencer Identification & Recruitment

Influencer Campaigns

We have a proven track record of reaching thought leaders and high level audiences across a range of verticals. We’ll identify, recruit & manage a group of promising subject matter experts to write and produce content that your company can brand. We don’t only publish content, we create community and you can become a vital part in helping create that community. 

Content Strategies


Social Media Today works with leading influencers to produce original research. We handle everything from survey development to fielding the survey to producing an exclusive whitepaper featuring survey analysis and supporting case studies. We have studied topics such as social and customer service, challenges for small business and social, and social adoption throughout the enterprise.


Let Social Media Today showcase one of your internal thought- leaders and your brand in a live webinar. We’ll tailor the topic focus to attract a targeted audience of your best prospects, and we handle every aspect of planning, promotion, rehearsals and follow-up. Our webinars allow your brand to connect and earn the trust of our engaged audience, nurturing leads as you speak.

Sponsored Posts Campaigns

Your post. Our platform. Reach our professional readers in an editor-approved context with sponsored posts. Establish sharabe thought leadership in a featured, front-page position and take advantage of our social reach. It’s paid, owned, and earned media all in one.    


Content Marketing for the long haul. We select top contributors and handle everything from conceptualization to promotion and distribution. As always, your lead count is guaranteed, and you get an enduring asset that you can leverage for your own purposes for years to come.

Interested? Get in touch! 


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