Boomer Friends Share Mobile Apps

4 Min Read

mobile healthcare apps

(Editor’s Note: This post is by Suzie Mitchell, our Boomer Voice.  It was first published on Suzie’s own blogsite, ClearWritingSolutions)

Friends don’t let friends be technology laggards—a new bumper sticker?  Maybe.  But in the spirit of sharing Baby Boomer wisdom, let’s help one another learn a little more.

mobile healthcare apps

(Editor’s Note: This post is by Suzie Mitchell, our Boomer Voice.  It was first published on Suzie’s own blogsite, ClearWritingSolutions)

Friends don’t let friends be technology laggards—a new bumper sticker?  Maybe.  But in the spirit of sharing Baby Boomer wisdom, let’s help one another learn a little more.

Pew Research studies show that 83 percent of Boomers access the Internet.  In addition, more than 40 percent of the group has a smart phone—and that segment is growing daily.

So if you are serious about collaboration and helping your fellow Boomer buddies stay healthy during their 50s, 60s and 70s, then be a friend—share a mobile app.

When you meet for coffee, dinner or a drink, pull out your smartphone and chat about mobile apps.  Find out which ones are your friend’s favorites and try them out.

Then be a really good friend, and share a healthcare mobile app.  As Boomers age, it’s important we use every tool in our toolbox to keep us healthy.  Aging isn’t for the faint-hearted.  If we want to continue hanging out together, we need to stay healthy.

So if you use a pill reminder, medical records log, or mind challenging games, share them.

If you don’t have any yourself here are a few of my favorites to get started.

  • Dosecast is a medication management app for Apple, Android and Amazon devices. I’ve been using this for two months and it’s the most robust pill reminder app in its class.  I especially love it because it lets me email my med list to my doctor.  Cost is $3.99.
  • Medcoach is free and also very good, but doesn’t have the email function. My husband uses it.
  • My Medical is my absolute favorite of all my medical apps.  My Medical is a comprehensive record-keeping app for personal medical information.  No more paper.  All my tests, mediations, immunizations, allergies, hospitalizations, health insurance, advance directives, eye site, office visits and family history are stored in one place.  All family members’ records can be added as well.  Available for Apple and Android devices and costs $1.99. My friends have loved it! There is a limited edition free starter model.
  • Lumosity is a free brain training mobile app and website that offers daily exercises targeting brain functions identified by users.  Users can improve their memory and attention and energize their brains with free scientific games.  My girlfriend just upgraded to the yearly subscription, which offers many more games.  She said, “For around $70 a year I figure my brain is worth it.” Available on Android and Apple.

There are thousands more health and wellness apps out there, including excellent activity trackers and calorie counters, but not everyone is ready to join the quantified self  group.  But anyone over 50 most likely takes regular prescription meds, supplements, visits doctors and wants to ward off dementia.

So be a friend to your friends—help them adapt into the digital health age.  Share and share alike!

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