Can Online Therapy Compare to In-Person Therapy?

6 Min Read
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Therapy and counseling are both excellent ways to take care of your mental health and emotional well-being. Whether you’re dealing with a particular issue or simply want to feel happier and more fulfilled, talking to a professional, neutral third party can provide you with the tools, resources, and support you need to make positive life changes.

Traditionally, therapy appointments have been conducted in a face-to-face environment, but the rise of technology means that online therapy is a viable alternative. To find out how online therapy compares to in-person therapy, take a look at some of the benefits it offers:

1. Wider Choice of Therapists

There are many different types of therapies and millions of therapists out there, but this doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re situated nearby. Choosing a medical professional based on their location could mean that you miss out on the opportunity to find a therapist or a style of therapy that’s best suited to your needs. When it’s so important to build trust with your therapist, it’s vital to find a professional that you feel comfortable with.

When you opt for online therapy, you can choose to work with therapists in any location. What’s more – you’ll never have to miss a session because of travel constraints or because you’re away from home. Instead, you can connect with your therapist from anywhere and fully engage in your sessions.

2. Online Reviews and Testimonials

Before buying a product or service, it’s common to go online and access reviews and recommendations. This allows you to see what other people’s experiences were and it can influence your subsequent decisions. However, it can be hard to track down recommendations and testimonials for in-person therapists, particularly as so many people want to retain their privacy and not share their experiences via word of mouth.

Fortunately, the internet makes it easy to access information and reviews regarding online therapy services. At, for example, you can find a handy list of the best online therapy sites and determine which one’s right for you. By getting the lowdown on different sites, you’ll find it easier to locate a therapist that can assist you and boost your confidence before you embark on your first session.

3. It’s as Effective as Face-to-Face Therapy

Some people assume that online therapy isn’t as effective as in-person therapy, but this isn’t the case at all. Studies have shown that online therapy can be just as effective as face-to-face sessions. When you consider all of the other benefits associated with having therapy online, online sessions could be considered even more effective than traditional in-person options.

With a whole host of reviews to provide you with detailed information regarding services and therapists, it’s easier than ever to find a mental health professional who can help you to achieve great results.

4. Overcoming Accessibility Issues

When you need to travel to attend in-person therapy sessions, accessibility issues can make it difficult to get the help you need. Mobility problems can make it hard to get around without assistance, for example, which may mean that you need to schedule appointments when someone is available to accompany you.

With therapy, the issue you’re seeking help for might even be the reason you find it hard to attend to face-to-face appointments. Individuals dealing with agoraphobia or anxiety might find it difficult to attend in-person sessions, for example, which could prevent them from engaging with a therapist at all.

Fortunately, online therapy ensures that everyone can benefit from therapy at a time that’s right for them. Providing you have access to a suitable device and internet connection, you can connect with your therapist from wherever you feel most comfortable.  

5. Reduced Costs

Your financial situation should never prevent you from accessing high-quality medical care but, sadly, millions of Americans are unable to access the help they need due to rising medical costs. While in-person therapy can be fairly expensive, online therapy is typically far more cost-effective. With reduced rates and discounts for students and young people, therapy is becoming more affordable.

As more people can fund therapy sessions, an increased number of people are seeking professional help when they need it. Of course, accessing medical help swiftly, whether it’s for mental or physical health issues, is a critical way of overcoming your symptoms and improving patient outcomes.

Is Online Therapy Right for You?

Everyone has different needs when it comes to their mental health, which means that there isn’t a ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution. Despite this, online therapy provides a wide range of services and options for people who want to seek help with their emotional well-being. With the potential to enhance your life, provide you with additional support, and enable you to access therapy conveniently, it’s well worth doing your research to find out whether online therapy is right for you.

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