Doctors 2.0 & You #ePatient speakers on Twitter #doctors20

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There are many lists of “whom to follow on Twitter” in digital health. The problem with lists is that the selection criteria are never quite right, unless of course you happen to be well-positioned on the list ;-)… Even the Nobel Prize selection committee gets its share of complaints. Recently after the appearance of a list regarding which physicians to follow,  an active ePatient remarked the absence of a “whom to follow” composed of epatients.

There are many lists of “whom to follow on Twitter” in digital health. The problem with lists is that the selection criteria are never quite right, unless of course you happen to be well-positioned on the list ;-)… Even the Nobel Prize selection committee gets its share of complaints. Recently after the appearance of a list regarding which physicians to follow,  an active ePatient remarked the absence of a “whom to follow” composed of epatients. I set out to correct that gap by producing the list of epatients who have spoken at Doctors 2.0 & You and who communicate regularly on Twitter, as they all have incredibly interesting things to say. It seemed inappropriate to exclude patients who Tweet in languages other than English, since they fill an important gap! It also seemed inappropriate to exclude the person who suggested the creation of the list, and all the more so, since she had planned to speak in 2015. And finally, how could we not include Lucien Engelen, father of the patient-included concept to which we adhere.

So, herewith the list with its interesting “filters”. Look forward to distributing it widely. Denise Silber

The post Doctors 2.0 & You #ePatient speakers on Twitter #doctors20 appeared first on Doctors 2.0.

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