Dental Mission Trips Help Provide Dental Care to Impoverished Nations

Discover how volunteering for a dental mission trip can help provide care to those in need in developing countries. Make a difference and learn more today!

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Reem Aljamaan is one of the most incredible dentists that we have ever blogged about. She attended dental school at both King Abdulaziz University Faculty of Dentistry in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia and The University of Detroit-Mercy School of Dentistry – Detroit, Michigan. She was in the top 10 of her class in Saudi Arabia and top 6 in her class in Michigan. In addition to her formal education as a dentist, she has studied under Dr. Edward Allen, a pioneer in the field of periodontics and intra-oral plastic surgery.

However, what really differentiates Dr. Reem Aljamaan from many of her colleagues isn’t her class rank, but rather her character. Many prominent dentists with her credentials are obsessed with making money. Sadly, some people are drawn to the field for that purpose, including the infamous Jordan Ross Belfort, who briefly enrolled in dental school to get rich before becoming an infamous financial criminal.

However, Dr. Aljamaan isn’t like many other dentists. She is a humanitarian that is dedicated to helping others. She says that her goal is to participate in more dental missions to help those in need. “I hope to one day be the Anthony Bourdain of Dentistry,” she says.

Dentists Like Dr. Aljamaan Participate in Dental Missions to Help Those in Need

Dental care is essential for one’s overall health. Neglecting dental hygiene can lead to sickness and other issues. In developing economies, lack of dental care is a serious problem that increases the prevalence of other health issues that are caused by unsanitary water, inadequate access to medicine, and poor nutrition. The WHO estimates that 19% of the world’s population has severe periodontal disease, but that figure is likely much higher in developing countries.

Fortunately, dental volunteers such as Dr. Aljamaan have done a lot to help provide dental care to struggling people abroad. By partnering with these individuals, we can help improve their well-being.

Dr. Aljamaan lived in both Saudi Arabia and India during her childhood. During her formative years, she got to see some of the challenges that people living in poverty had to deal with first-hand.

Other dentists looking to make the most out of their dental training and experience can participate in these dental missions as well. The American Dental Association has an International Dental Volunteer Calendar for people interested in learning more. Whether they are trained dentists, or still in the process of completing their residencies and internships, their background can be incredibly beneficial to have when volunteering around the world! Dental missions are always looking for new dentists that can make a huge difference in any country.

Tanzania and Kathmandu, Honduras and Costa Rica are all examples of countries in need of trained medical professionals. Dentists, in particular play an extremely important role. Even many global nonprofits underestimate the importance of providing dental care to underprivileged people. However, dentists that volunteer abroad can do a lot to improve people’s dental health.

Those with professional training can provide other techniques and treatments. This could improve overall health and boost confidence. Oral health is essential for a good smile, which makes a big difference in the lives of those who don’t have access to healthcare basics.

Volunteers without formal dental training still have an important role to play in these types of services. They can educate individuals on the importance of good oral hygiene, provide basic oral care products, and talk about what happens when proper dental care isn’t taken.

Why Dental Missions Are So Important

Oral diseases are a major problem for millions of people that live in developing countries. Periodontal disease is especially common for people in these countries.

Poverty, poor living conditions and lack of health education worsen the problem. The WHO and FDI have identified the issues and developed strategies to help people in these countries enjoy better dental care. However, health experts around the world need to establish objective standards of care to help people in these areas.

Governments also need to overcome barriers that make oral health inaccessible to many people in these parts of the world. Dentists working with patients abroad need to understand the challenges their patients are struggling with and sensitive to cultural issues when working with them.

Dr. Aljamaan and her colleagues recognize the importance of doing more to help those in need. A growing number of dentists are participating in dental missions to help improve the quality of life for people around the world. Dentists like her are leading by example. 

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Aaron Barriga is the online marketing manager for Insight Vision Center. With a knack for understanding medical procedures, and an interest in eye and vision health, Aaron loves to share what he knows and what he learns. He blogs to inform readers about the latest eye care technology and other topics related to eye care, especially LASIK. Aaron loves collecting coasters from the different bars and restaurants he visits during his travels.
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