Don’t Let These 3 Mistakes Lower Your Immune System

Don't let these 3 common mistakes lower your immune system! Learn why they're bad for you and how to avoid them.

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Shutterstock Licensed Photo - 1912897822 | By Andrew Angelov

Modern life has given us a lot of medical options to keep us from getting sick. More precisely, these options help us heal faster when we get sick. What keeps us from getting sick is a strong immune system. Ironically, modern life has reduced our immune system which makes us sick more frequently and causes us to need modern medicine to help us.

The problem is that we are committing a lot of mistakes in our daily routine that reduces our immune system. We may not realize it but these mistakes are costing us our health and even money to treat frequent illnesses. In this article, we will go over several of the mistakes people typically make that should be avoided.

1 – Poor diet

Having a poor diet lacking essential vitamins and minerals can weaken our immune system. Eating a diet that is high in sugar and processed foods can weaken the immune system. These foods can cause inflammation in the body, which can suppress the immune system and make it more difficult for the body to fight off infection. Consuming too much sugar can also lead to weight gain and obesity, which has been linked to a weakened immune system.

Our body needs essential nutrients like Vitamin C, Vitamin E, zinc, selenium, and iron to keep our immune system running properly. Without enough of these nutrients, our body can’t produce enough white blood cells, which are essential for fighting off infection.

We also don’t help our gut flora by eating a poor diet. These are the bacteria that inhabit our digestive system that keep our immune system strong. It’s important to get plenty of probiotics in our diet even if it means taking supplements such as Floraspring probiotics.

2 – Poor sleep

When we sleep, our body produces cytokines, which are like the superheroes of the immune system. They help fight off inflammation and infection. But without enough sleep, our body doesn’t produce enough of these cytokines, leaving us more open to getting sick. That’s why it’s so important to make sure you’re getting enough sleep each night.

Do things like shutting off your devices at least 30 minutes before bedtime to put your mind into sleep mode. Taking a warm shower with essential oils right before bed will relax your muscles and signal to your brain that it is time to go to sleep.

3 – Too much stress

When we’re stressed, our body produces a hormone called cortisol, which can suppress our immune system. If we’re dealing with chronic stress, we’re more likely to catch a cold or the flu.

Chronic stress can be caused by a variety of things, such as work, relationships, financial issues, or even current world events. It can be hard to escape from it and it can feel like it’s taking over our lives. Try doing things like meditation or even talking to a professional to find ways to deal with stress before it becomes a health problem.

Effects of Lower Immunity

Our immune system is our body’s natural defense against disease and infection, so it’s important to keep it running at its best. Unfortunately, many of us make mistakes that can lead to a weakened immunity and put us at greater risk for illnesses. In this article, we’ll explore the effects of a lower immunity and how to avoid the three most common missteps.

Having a weak immune system means you’re more vulnerable to illnesses such as colds, flu and other infections. When your body doesn’t have the strength or resources to fight off these invaders, you become more susceptible to their harmful effects. You may also experience unexpected fatigue or an overall lack of energy due to lowered immunity. Furthermore, chronic health conditions such as diabetes or asthma can be exacerbated if your body isn’t able to defend itself properly from illness-causing germs and bacteria.

Strategies to Boost Immunity

A strong immune system is essential for a healthy body and mind. But, too often, people make mistakes that can weaken their immunity. To ensure your body remains in top condition and your immune system stays strong, here are three strategies to boost immunity:

The first strategy is to get plenty of restful sleep. When you get enough quality sleep at night, your body has the time it needs to repair itself and build up its defenses. Aim for seven to nine hours of uninterrupted sleep each night.

The second strategy is to incorporate more superfoods into your diet. Superfoods are packed with vitamins and nutritional benefits that help support a healthy immune system. Add foods like blueberries, salmon, sweet potatoes and spinach into your regular diet for an extra health boost!

Finally, minimize stress levels as much as possible.

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Aaron Casselman is a medical writer based in central Minnesota, specializing in bioinformatics. With my Master's Degree in bioinformatics, he brings unique insights into topics related to medicine and health.
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