Everything You Need To Know About Hair Transplants

6 Min Read

People with less hair or facing hair fall can remedy the situation with the help of hair transplant. Thanks to medical science, it is very easy to get a hair transplant surgery these days.

Due to its growing popularity, one can easily get Hair Transplantation Services in Trivandrum and all the other major cities in India. However, before you decide to undergo the surgery, here are some preliminary tips to help you make an informed decision.

Choose your clinic wisely
If you are planning to get a hair transplant, then it is important to choose the right clinic that will carry out the procedure. Do not fall for flashy ads that promise you a quality treatment at ridiculous prices. Always perform a thorough due diligence before scheduling the procedure.

Research the doctor
Hair transplants must only be performed by qualified doctors because it cannot be repeated. Before you hire a doctor to perform the procedure on you, be sure to research them. Check their before-after photos and read the testimonials of previous clients who have used their service.

Know your budget
In absence of a proper budget, hair transplant can prove to be very expensive. So get full quotes from potential service providers and then act accordingly.

Other important information:
Your doctor should advise you about the techniques they are planning to use for your hair transplantation. Choose the one that is scar free and painless.

Some other things to keep in mind include:

  • Wash your hair twice a day before your surgery but avoid hair spa.
  • Do not take any hard drugs, antibiotics, or aspirin, a week before your surgery. However, if you are already taking medication for a serious condition, then ask your doctor for guidance.
  • Do not take supplements, alcohol, or smoke cigarettes before your surgery. Only use the shampoo advised by your doctor to wash your hair.

Tips to avoid fake hair transplant doctors
Patients undergoing hair transplant surgeries often falsely assume that their surgeon will take the right decision for them. However, that is not always the case, especially if you are dealing with a dishonest doctor. There are many doctors out there who are in this to only make money, without paying any heed to their clients’ wellbeing.

If you want to avoid being scammed by these mercenaries, then follow these tips:

– Do not trust pressurizing ads and promotions: Many companies use pressure tactics to expand their customer base. But it is important to remember that any reputed surgeon or clinic will never pressurize their customers by luring them in with hefty discounts. The best hair transplant doctors have their credibility and experience to attract patients. They are equipped with caring staff who understand your needs and help make their clients an informed decision.

– Do not trust doctors without portfolios: Don’t fall for “doctors” who claim to have experience they don’t really have. A truly experienced surgeon will not only have the experience but also a portfolio to support that claim. The best way to steer clear from unqualified professionals is by requesting for a portfolio that showcases before and after photos. This way you can avoid a doctor who doesn’t have anything to show for his expertise.

– Don’t fall for “try a few grafts” gimmick: Not many patients know but any doctor that recommends you to get a few drafts is in all probability a fake. It is important for you to know that with hair transplant, it is all or nothing. So if you have scheduled a procedure, make sure they provide you with complete grafting, otherwise it’s a waste of money because it will make you look out of balance.

– Avoid a doctor who fails to dispel your concerns: When you are getting a hair transplant, you are probably getting it for lifetime. Your doctor should be able to address all your concerns and answer all questions professionally. A reputed doctor will hear your out patiently, no matter how many times you ask the same question!

– Do your homework: Don’t trust the adverts that sell the doctor as the “number one hair transplant specialist.” Perform your own due diligence to ensure that they are indeed worth their salt! Research will not only help you spot a fake doctor but also know when someone’s charging too much or too little.

In the end, you need to understand that the hair transplant must only be carried out by a trained professional with experience and expertise in this field. A good surgeon will not hesitate in proving that. Use the tips in this article to find the one who meets all the quality standards mentioned in this article.

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Mike Haynes is a Fitness & Nutritionist Who Believes in Living a healthy Lifestyle.He Loves to write about Fitness & Nutrition. He is also a expert advisor of Medical answering service also dedicated to provide accurate billing of patients,daily fitness tips, detailed fitness guides & fitness gear reviews, naturopathy treatment etc.
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