Face Mask Suppliers Share Tips on Exercising with One

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Shutterstock Photo License - By Elizaveta Galitckaia

Face masks have become a regular part of our lives over the last year. Whether we are catching public transport, heading into work, seeing our friends and family, or just out shopping at the supermarket, we have become used to slipping on a face mask to protect against the coronavirus.

They are now as much essential when you leave the house as your keys and phone. Thankfully, there are plenty of face mask suppliers to keep us stocked up.

But what role will they play as things start to change again? The government’s roadmap out of lockdown is slowly becoming clearer. Many states and local governments are seeking to ease restrictions over the coming months. You will soon be able to return to doing more of the things you love – such as exercising in places other than your back garden!

How will face masks fit into our lives when hitting the gym or jogging through our local park? Read on to find out more!

Why wear a face mask when exercising?

When face masks were first introduced as a standard item we had to wear, many people worried that they could restrict breathing, even when just walking or working, let alone working out!

However, as time has gone by, we have come to realize that face masks do not restrict your ability to breathe. So, you can safely wear one when exercising. But why should you?

Aside from the standard reasons you wear a face mask, you need to keep in mind that you breathe harder when you work out, you breathe harder than ever. This means that even with strict social distancing and sanitizing measures in place, you are increasingly likely to be breathing out droplets and spores into the air around you and onto the machines you are using.

Wearing a face mask simply reduces this likelihood down to nearly nothing, so you and others can work out safely.

Keeping cool

Some people wondered how they could get their kids to wear masks in the beginning of the pandemic. One of the arguments becomes more compelling as it starts to get warmer. Face masks can surprisingly help keep you cool.

While face masks do not restrict your breathing, we know they can get pretty hot when your heartbeat starts to race. A simple way to keep as cool as possible when working out in a face mask is to choose one that is made of natural fibers such as cotton. This should keep you cooler than wearing a disposable face mask or one made of a less natural material.

More and more focus is being placed on face masks designed especially for athletes, for the most breathability possible, so keep your eyes peeled for the perfect mask for any exercise.

Break time

Though your breathing will not be restricted, it may still feel difficult to wear a face mask while doing intensive cardio or even heavier strength-based exercises. Not to mention the fact that in lockdown, you have not been able to hit the gym as you usually would, so you need to give yourself time to get back to it, including the “new normal” of mask-wearing.

If you find yourself feeling short of breath or growing dizzy, take a break, drink some water, and pace yourself. Learning your new limits is an important part of recreating a sustainable exercise routine.

Whenever you get back to working out, make sure that your mask fully covers your mouth and nose, and that your breaks are still safely socially distanced.

Are you feeling ready to hit the gym? Hopefully, they will be open soon so you can get back to the exercises you love! Don’t forget to pack your handy face mask. With plenty of face mask suppliers in the UK, there is never an excuse to be without one.

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