Finish Line: Switching to Contact Lenses Could Benefit Your Running Routine

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Want to ramp up your running routine? From pricey pre-workout powders to fancy fitness gadgets, runners will try just about anything to achieve greatness on the track. However, many athletes overlook one of the most critical aspects of performance—their eyewear. As it turns out, your glasses might not be doing you any favors. Read on to discover how switching to contact lenses can benefit you as a runner, and learn how to make the change today.

Optimal Performance with Contact Lenses

Contact lenses might not be able to transform you into Usain Bolt, but they can help you see better during sprinting sessions. Studies show that contact lenses actually increase peripheral vision, allowing you a wider range of perception than traditional glasses. And without the hindrance of bulky glass lenses or frames blocking your view, you’ll be able to focus all your energy on the road ahead.

Contact lenses can also be more comfortable while running. They won’t fall off when used correctly, and you don’t have to worry about your lenses fogging up due to cold or humid weather. Not only that, but contact lenses can be a much safer option altogether.

Running while wearing glasses is a risky business. If you trip and fall, you could get hurt by shattered glass or the sharp edges of broken frames. Wearing contact lenses will eliminate dangers like this. You might still have a few scrapes and bruises, but your eyes will be safer from serious injury so you can hop right back up and keep on running.

Choosing the Right Lenses for Your Needs

Choose the correct contact lenses to make running easier, safer, and more convenient

Not all contact lenses are created equal. Especially when it comes to sports, it’s essential to choose the right product for your needs. Since you’ll be sweating, stretching, and sprinting in your contacts, you need a reliable pair that won’t slip up when you need them most.

Your best bet is to go with soft contact lenses you can change out daily. Soft lenses allow more vital oxygen to reach your eyes, plus they help keep out sweat which can cause burning and stinging. Choosing a daily disposable variety ensures that your lenses stay fresh, clean, and free of deposits which can build up with longer-use contact lenses. This will help you see clearly and minimize the risk of infection.

Once you’re set on switching to contacts during workouts, you’ll have plenty of options when it comes time to buy them. Some people prefer to shop in person, but you’ll also be able to head online and order contacts without prescription verification once you know exactly what you need. Make sure to choose the correct style, and you’ll be on the road to better performance in no time.

Caring for Your Eyes on the Track

You know by now that working out in contact lenses can be a safer and more convenient alternative to glasses. However, that doesn’t mean you can just put them in and forget about them. You still need to care for contact-clad eyes appropriately. So, how can you do that?

It’s important to stay hydrated, which will help prevent your eyes from drying out and becoming irritated. Contact lenses will exacerbate dry eyes, so drinking water is critical when wearing them. If your eyes do end up becoming irritated or catching debris, try not to rub them.

Instead, bring along some contact-compatible eye drops and clean up your peepers with sterile fluid that won’t cause you problems. It’s also wise to change your contact lenses after every sports session to help your eyes stay clean, safe, and feeling great.

Ready to get running again? Now that you know about the advantages of contacts, you may want to try them out for yourself. As long as you choose the right lenses and care for your eyes properly, you’ll be able to see clearly all the way to the finish line.

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