Former MN Governor Pawlenty Quickly Reacts to Ryan Proposals

3 Min Read

WIth Paul Ryan’s misstep, former MN governor and now declared GOP presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty sees an opening.

[H]is plan to secure Medicare’s finances will allow seniors to choose between the current fee-for-service program or other options. […] He hinted at options he would provide for seniors to encourage more private insurance coverage, but he stressed that they should be allowed to choose which system to use.


WIth Paul Ryan’s misstep, former MN governor and now declared GOP presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty sees an opening.

[H]is plan to secure Medicare’s finances will allow seniors to choose between the current fee-for-service program or other options. […] He hinted at options he would provide for seniors to encourage more private insurance coverage, but he stressed that they should be allowed to choose which system to use.


In the antecedent to the Senate vote in which the Ryan proposals were soundly voted down (albeit, by a partisan vote), Ryan was pressed to consider running for president. Since the NY-26 loss and apparent referendum on the so-called Ryancare plan, that consideration has gained no traction, and, Pawlenty — sensing an urgent need for early differentiation in a relatively weak ’12 GOP field — wasted no time in doing so. Of course, his “plan” is short on details — but, in the world of constantly shifting soundbites on how to reform Medicare, that approach is all that is needed right now. Count on the Democrats to work hard on maintaining voter perception that its party is the only choice to “manage” Medicare in the age of reform.

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