Four Signs That Show You Need Rehabilitation

7 Min Read

Drug addiction is a menace that has claimed the lives of countless young people across the globe. It may begin with a puff, evolve into an injection, and, before you’ve recognized the true extent of the problem, graduate into a personal crisis. Fortunately for those afflicted with addiction, rehabilitation centers are standing by to offer much-needed support. Participation in a rehabilitation program is a crucial first step for individuals seeking help to recover from substance use. However, a substantial number of those affected choose to forego formal care and try instead to go it alone. Breaking free from the binds of addiction can be daunting under the best of circumstances, but attempting to conquer the disease on your own is a much taller task. Fortunately, the situation can be salvaged by identifying the problem early and seeking help quickly. But how do you go about identifying the problem in the first place? Below are four telltale signs that substance abuse is out of your control. If you recognize the following symptoms in yourself or someone close to you, acting quickly can mean the difference between treatment now and tragedy later.

  1. You Have Mental Illness

According to a 2014 study by SAMHSA, approximately 20 million people in the US are dealing with substance abuse issues, and 44 million people suffer from a mental illness. Of those totals, about 8 million people had both substance use disorder and mental illness; a situation known as having concurrent disorders. People abuse drugs for various reasons, including:

  • Family history
  • Peer pressure
  • Prescription drugs
  • Experimentation
  • Recreation

Self-medication is the leading reason for the initiation and continuation of drug abuse. Drugs are commonly used as a coping mechanism that allow users to modify the way they behave, think, or feel. Unfortunately, excessive use of substances can cause or worsen mental illness. As a result, the user will often continue relying on drugs to suppress symptoms. Treating both drug addiction and mental illness becomes more complicated, as the two conditions may need to be addressed separately. Concurrent disorders also increase the probability of relapse. Fortunately, rehabilitation and drug diagnosis centers offer specialized treatment to help you maintain sobriety and reclaim your mental health.

  1. Substance Abuse Has Become a Priority

When the drugs become the equivalent of your daily cup of coffee, then addiction has already begun. If your first priority in the morning is to take a puff or prepare an injection, then the time to seek medical attention has come. The longer your addiction is allowed to persist, the more that substance will begin to consume your thoughts, and your former ambitions and aspirations will take a backseat to fueling your addiction. Do you find it hard to work, read, or do anything without taking drugs? If your answer is YES, then that is a telltale sign that your life is in jeopardy, and that a rehabilitation center is the place you belong if you intend to protect it.

  1. You’re Unable to Quit on Your Own

If your past is riddled with unsuccessful attempts to quit on your own, then you may benefit from the help of a rehabilitation center. Addiction is a chronic disease, occasionally marked by recovery and relapse. Trying to overcome an addiction on your own is a meaningful step on your road to recovery, but it may pose challenges too lofty for one person to conquer on their own. In the care of rehabilitative specialists, you will meet and mingle with people who have successfully overcome their own struggles with drug abuse. You will thrive in a nurturing environment designed with an emphasis on empathy, enrichment, and results. Your health will be in reach, because the substance holding you captive will not be.

  1. When You Need Excessive Amounts to Get High

The first puff might make you feel relieved, satisfied, or perhaps even accomplished. But as you continue to consume the drug, you’ll find that your body is adapting to the drug at the chemical level; you’ll develop a tolerance. The more tolerant the body becomes, the higher the quantity of drugs it will demand to achieve the same temporary reward. As a result, continued abuse will beget increased dosage; translating to a greater expense to your bank account and, more critically, your health. The desire to get high will inevitably create the risk of overdose. Heroin, for instance, is a potent depressant that will, by definition, slow your heart rate and inhibit breathing. As your preferred dosage increases to keep pace with your tolerance, death or coma become increasingly likely. No substance is worth your life. Avoid partaking in any substance with a high incidence of addiction to protect yourself from the dangers of a mounting tolerance. Developing a high tolerance for a lethal substance spells a perfect recipe for overdose. The sooner you address your disease, the sooner you will be out of harm’s way. Conclusion Rehabilitation centers offer a wide variety of treatment programs. Although it may seem daunting to find the right program for you or your loved one, you can rest assured that the effort will be worthwhile. Never be afraid of seeking help.

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