The Future of Health Insurance

2 Min Read


Perhaps  the term “Health Insurance”  has become an oxymoron. Health Insurance now has become a waste-basket term that encompasses many different categories for medical bill reimbursement.

Bruce Broussard, CEO of Humana Inc..


Perhaps  the term “Health Insurance”  has become an oxymoron. Health Insurance now has become a waste-basket term that encompasses many different categories for medical bill reimbursement.

Bruce Broussard, CEO of Humana Inc..

Here’s what Humana’s CEO has to say about the future of health insurance.

“The health care system of the future will likely come with fewer guarantees,In other words, rather than offering a health plan, employers will probably begin offering specified payments and telling their employees to buy their own insurance.

“Our role becomes a role around health more than just the financing of health care,” he said.

“What happened to retirement is probably going to happen to health care, The shift, from defined-benefit to defined-contribution plans, is exactly what happened when 401k retirement accounts replaced pensions.”

Broussard’s forecast reveals that the insurance companies no longer think of themselves as insurers based upon risk.  Risk is being removed from the underwriting of health events.

Broussard and the others in the C-suites of health insurance companies have a crystal ball far more accurate than the Washingtonians and academicians who don’t have a clue as to what the ACA is doing and will do in the next decade.

In one full swoop Congress has entangled the entire federal government and state governments in delivering health care, along with commerce, defense, and international relations. 

I have ‘such a headache’ !”

Did President Obama miscalculate ?



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