Genuine Hospital Content Can Generate New Patients

2 Min Read

Many hospital marketing departments know there’s a need for pushing good content out via their website and syndicating that content to their social networks. It humanizes the hospital’s brand and can have a positive effect on website search engine optimization (SEO).

Many hospital marketing departments know there’s a need for pushing good content out via their website and syndicating that content to their social networks. It humanizes the hospital’s brand and can have a positive effect on website search engine optimization (SEO).

Unfortunately, some healthcare companies don’t have the time and resources to get this content out. So they simply syndicate generic medical information written by others from the web and post about upcoming events at the facility. This method may help in get information out to the masses but won’t have the same effect of providing original content regularly, something both the search engines and real people love.

One healthcare facility that does a great job with content creation and content marketing is the Cleveland Clinic. Its HealthHub blog features original medical content and advice created by doctors and nurses who work for the hospital, like 4 ways to avoid a gout attack, written by Scott Burg, DO, a staff rheumatologist. The blog also creates content that is topical and trending in the news. For example, when actress Angelina Jolie announced her preventive double mastectomy, HealthHub published the same day an original article about her decision and the risks associated with it.

Another example of a great blog that provides engaging content is Advancing Your Health by Emory Healthcare. This blog provides a variety of interactive choices for users, including live chats where they can communicate with the hospital’s physicians. Their calendar of upcoming chats keeps people interested and coming back to learn about specific subjects that interest them.

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