A Guide to Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)

Discover the benefits of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) with our comprehensive guide. Take control of your health today!

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Our hormones are crucial for everything we are and do. They send signals throughout our bodies and control everything from our mood and body hair to our sexual function and metabolism. 

Their importance in our lives means any imbalances can be noticeable. Not just noticeable but even life-changing, with those affected experiencing a range of uncomfortable symptoms. That’s why many people with hormonal imbalances are now exploring bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT). You can learn more about this natural form of hormone replacement therapy below. 

What Is Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy?

Many people are starting to ask questions like “What is BHRT?” “Can BHRT improve brain function?” and “How can BHRT help me?” These are natural questions to ask when you’re exploring any new medical solution for a hormone imbalance. 

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is essentially human-made hormones that are chemically identical to the ones your body produces. Their similarity means our bodies can absorb them more easily, replicating the hormones we’ve lost. They are available in various forms, like injections, gels, creams, and pills. By using BHRT products, you can attempt to correct any hormone imbalances and keep uncomfortable symptoms at bay. 

What Can BHRT Help With?

Many people begin taking hormone replacements when their own bodies no longer make enough of the ones they need. Imbalances can result in a range of uncomfortable symptoms and side effects like hot flashes, mood swings, weight gain, and even memory loss. 

BHRT may be able to help people with hormone imbalances combat these problems. Studies have also found that hormone therapy may reduce the instance of Alzheimer’s disease among at-risk women. If you’re wondering whether BHRT can improve brain function and reduce brain fog, there is a chance that it might. Many people also use BHRT to see if it will help with cancer treatment symptoms and to treat conditions like osteoporosis, insulin resistance, and fibromyalgia.   

What Are Bioidentical Hormones Made Of?

It’s only natural to question what something is made of before using it. What bioidentical hormones are made of can depend on what you use. Some are made by drug companies, while others, called compounded bioidentical hormones, are made by pharmacies. Most bioidentical hormone replacement products are lab-produced hormones derived from plants with estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone replica components.   

How to Start Your BHRT Journey

Hormone imbalances can be so frustrating to deal with that you’re likely eager to learn more about the potential benefits of BHRT. Your BHRT journey can start with an appointment with your healthcare provider.

Talk to your local physician about the potential benefits of BHRT and the best product options for your unique needs. They may recommend patches, implanted pellets, gels, creams, or injections. Once you start bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, regular monitoring can be necessary for evaluating how your body responds to treatment. 

Dealing with the side effects of hormone imbalances can be overwhelming, particularly when they relate to age and menopause. If you’re tired of feeling like you don’t have control over your own body, talk to your healthcare provider about bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. You might be surprised by how life-changing it could be. 

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Alice Jackson is a business consultant, blogger, social media enthusiast, online market analyst, amateur designer and an avid author at Designhill. She has written on several topics including social media marketing, SEO, content marketing, startup strategies and e-commerce. When she’s not writing, she loves spending her time reading romantic novels. Connect with her on Twitter: @jackson_alice1
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