Health Care Buzz Today

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Gain Fitness Launches iPhone App. Gain Fitness, a startup that creates personalized workouts based on certified trainers’ expertise, has launched an iPhone app that allows fitness enthusiasts to access to personal trainer quality exercise without having to research workouts or book expensive trainers.

Gain Fitness Launches iPhone App. Gain Fitness, a startup that creates personalized workouts based on certified trainers’ expertise, has launched an iPhone app that allows fitness enthusiasts to access to personal trainer quality exercise without having to research workouts or book expensive trainers.

Web Changing How People Recall Facts. Access to a wealth of information on the Internet is altering what people remember, prompting us to retain fewer facts but more information about how to find those facts, say scientists at Harvard and Columbia.

Second-Hand Smoke Tied to ADHD. Researchers found that of more than 55,000 US children younger than age 12, 6% lived with a smoker. Those kids were more likely to have attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) than children living in smoke-free homes.

Florida Pain Doctor Suspended; 34 Patients Dead. Dr. Joseph Hernandez was suspended earlier this month by the Florida Department of Health for overprescribing opiate painkillers. Of the 761 patients Hernandez saw between January and April 2011, 34 have died.

When Medicaid Paid Better, Kids Had More Dental Visits. When dentists were reimbursed more for preventive visits, kids on Medicaid ended up in their chairs more often, probably because the increased compensation made them more willing to accept those patients, a government researcher said.

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