Health Care Buzz Today

2 Min Read

Humans Alone in Brain Shrinkage. Human brains shrink as people grow old, unlike even our closest animal relative, says a new study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that highlights what researchers call a unique character of human aging.

Humans Alone in Brain Shrinkage. Human brains shrink as people grow old, unlike even our closest animal relative, says a new study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that highlights what researchers call a unique character of human aging.

iPhone Add-on Could Mean End of Finger Pricking for Diabetics. Northeastern University scientists have created nanosensors–injected like a tattoo just under the skin–that fluoresce under a special light source, indicating the patient’s glucose levels, according to a report in MIT’s Technology Review.

Calorie Labels Change Some Diners’ Habits. New York City’s requirement that fast-food restaurants post calorie counts on menus led one in 6 customers to notice the information and buy foods with fewer calories, new research has shown.

FDA: Stop Using PET Scan Agent. The FDA said today that physicians should stop using CardioGen-82, a radioisotope for cardiac PET imaging. On July 15 the FDA warned physicians of increased radiation exposure with the agent.

ePrescribing Penalty Changes Draw Fire. The American Medical Association and 91 state and specialty medical societies have submitted formal comments to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services expressing concern over the proposed changes to the electronic prescribing penalty program.

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