4 Healthcare Degrees with Terrific Job Placement Rates after Graduation

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The field of health services is rapidly expanding. A growing population of senior citizens mean that people with degrees in health care are needed to serve their specialized care needs. An increase in the prevalence of chronic diseases such as diabetes also demands more medical services. Consider these four types of healthcare degrees that offer excellent job placement rates upon graduation.

Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing

Nurses are in high demand in every place of the country. They are employed in doctor’s offices, clinics, hospitals and nursing facilities. Nurses also work in health departments, schools and insurance companies. Nurses perform direct patient care and may specialize in an area of practice such as maternity, infectious disease, cardiology or pediatrics. Nurses are able to choose from many employment options and often have their choice of work schedules.

Master’s in Health Administration

This degree is in high demand in the healthcare field these days. Earning a health administration master?s online prepares you to work as the manager of a skilled nursing facility, in-patient recovery center, outpatient surgical center or a hospital. In this type of a degree program, you will learn essential skills such as budgeting, staff scheduling, personnel management and patient care coordination. Completing your degree online allows you to take classes as they fit into your schedule. You can even continue working your day job while working on your degree.

Master’s of Public Health

A master’s degree in public health is an up-and-coming degree. With this type of a degree, you could work as a health counselor, disease researcher, statistician or hospital infection control practitioner. People with a master’s degree in public health learn how to conduct surveys, perform cohort and case-control studies and analyze data using complex computer software programs.

Bachelor’s of Science in Physical Therapy

As the population ages, senior citizens will need more physical therapy services. Physical therapists help people to recover from injuries such as falls. Seniors are prone to falls because of vision disorders, weak bones and a loss of balance. Physical therapists also help people to regain strength after an auto accident, stroke or joint replacement surgery. Physical therapists also conduct patient evaluations and instruct people on how to exercise and grow physically stronger. Each of these four degrees will help you to quickly find employment. These jobs offer many personal and professional rewards, including fair wages, paid vacation and sick leave, health insurance and more. Working in health care also allows you to help other people and provide an essential service to your community.

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