Interview with Healthcare Digital Futurist Fard Johnmar [PODCAST]

2 Min Read

Have you ever wanted to be a time traveler? That’s how I felt during my conversation with Fard Johnmar, healthcare digital futurist and co-author of “ePatient 2015 – 15 Surprising Trends Changing Health Care.”  Instead of looking back, Fard is looking ahead and using his unique perspective to vision how digital and social media can and is impacting healthcare. His book, co-written by Rohit Bhargava, was released in December 2013 and he has already seen some of his “predictions” come to pass sooner that he had imagined.

epatient_2015During the course of our conversation we covered a lot of ground. Here are the time stamps to help you find some of the high points (or just listen to the whole episode)!

Digital Health Futurist at 2:38

“Augmented Nutrition” at 9:20

Data collection & analysis at 9:50

“Multicultural Misalignment” at 14:10

Digital Peer to peer healthcare at 18:34

Stupid Cancer & at 22:41

“Care Hacking” at 26:40

“Accelerated Trial Sourcing” at 29:00

Digital Health Illustrated 

Shout outs and mentions:

Susannah Fox (formerly) of PEW Internet Research at 4:34 & 19:00

Matthew Zachary of at 22:41

Google Glass at 8:05

Apple HealthKit at 8:10

ePatient 2015 – Surprising Trends Changing Health Care (Affiliate link) at 8:39

Fard Johnmar LinkedIn

Social Media Tip from Ashleigh Verdier, Digital/Social Media Strategist and Content Marketing Specialist at ABB, North America. Here a a few of Ashleigh’s recommended link shorterners: &

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