Here’s Why Plastic Surgery Shouldn’t Be Taboo Anymore

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Not so long ago, plastic surgery was something everyone knew about, but no one talked about. First, it was reserved only for the rich and famous. Second, it was considered taboo to desecrate the temple that is one?s body, especially for such vain reasons as looking beautiful or sexy. However, times are changing quickly, with celebrities coming out with their plastic surgery stories and people sharing their positive experiences and all the ways plastic surgery improved their lives. But why exactly plastic surgery stopped being taboo?

It has positive effects on self-esteem

Luckily, there are different studies that show how improving looks can positively affect a person?s self-image and self-esteem. While undergoing procedures isn?t a quick fix or shortcut to high self-esteem, there surely is a connection between plastic surgery and people?s emotional state. Going through your life focusing only on looks isn?t admirable, but there?s nothing wrong in wanting to look good and knowing that certain physical changes will affect your self-esteem in a positive way.

One doesn?t have to go under the knife dozens of times in order to benefit from plastic surgery. Sometimes, all people need is a little tweak or a little push that will help their self-esteem and fill them with new confidence, strength, and motivation.

It has various mental health benefits

Today, we?re facing a real epidemic of mental health issues (anxiety, depression) all over the world. In some cases, patients experience symptoms that are directly triggered by their self-image. If you consider the work Dr. Eddy Dona, an excellent plastic surgeon, shares on his website and Instagram, you will see the true help he provides to his patients. His procedures allow people to live their lives as they used to live or always wanted to live. He gives them that magical moment when they get to experience the world in a new way and that?s wonderful! There are also people who have to live with certain body deformities that happened as a result of an accident or illness. In those cases, people are simply seeking a realistic solution to their problems and that is something that should never be considered taboo. Sure, beauty does come from the inside, but it?s always reflected in smiles. People who are deeply unhappy with the way they look outside often don?t know how to show their inner beauty?that?s something no one should condemn.

It can have physical health benefits

Certain plastic surgery procedures like rhinoplasty can improve breathing as well as the aesthetic appearance of the nose. Breast reduction can improve the body?s silhouette, but it also relieves back and neck pain and skin irritation. Also, in certain cases, plastic surgery helps people lose weight and keep it down. For instance, a patient who underwent liposuction or a tummy tuck will be motivated to keep their diet clean and follow a good exercise program in order to retain the results. A healthy weight leads to a healthy body and mind, and can even reduce the risk of many diseases. Today, people see that they can?t condemn something that helps people live their most comfortable lives!

The freedom of choice

While too much of anything isn?t good (plastic surgery included), moderate procedures can really change someone?s life to the better. They can help people live their best lives and enjoy every moment spent on this wonderful Earth without that horrible feeling of stress, sadness, and shame that comes from dissatisfaction about your physical appearance. Plus, we live in an era of freedom, acceptance, and individuality where everyone has the right to do what they want with their body without feeling judged. With many empowerments and body positivity movements, more and more people understand the right to being who they want to be. If that includes bigger breasts or a smaller nose, so be it! Additionally, if you always lived your life free of judgment, there?s a great chance other people do the same, too. We all have our own issues to face and battles to win?only those who are unworthy rather concentrate on other people?s lives instead of their own.


All in all, shaming plastic surgery is completely canceled! Having work done isn?t something you should be ashamed of anymore. And, stop thinking plastic surgery is only reserved for celebrities. The technology is evolving so fast that surgery is more accessible and more practical than ever before. If your nose or your breasts are making you feel uncomfortable and self-conscious, don?t apologize about your feelings, no matter if you?re a woman or a man, young or old, married or single. An experienced surgeon will provide you with the best counseling, best pre-op, and post-op care and best results you?re bound to be satisfied with. As long as you don?t follow any trends (they always pass) and do it for yourself (and not your work or your partner), you have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of!

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By Ashley
Ashley is an award-winning writer who discovered her passion in providing creative solutions for building brands online. Since her first high school award in Creative Writing, she continues to deliver awesome content through various niches.
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