Hernia Mesh Complications

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Hernia is a medical condition that occurs when an internal organ pushes through the tissue wall that contains it. This medical condition is common as a minimum of 10 percent of people in America suffer this at least once in a lifetime. One of the popular ways of treating hernia is by implanting a hernia mesh.

As popular as the treatment of hernia using hernia mesh is, complications can arise from such procedures. These complications range from pain, infection, mesh rejection, and erosion. If you suffered injuries from mesh complications, you could seek financial compensation by consulting with a personal injury lawyer.

What is Hernia Mesh?

The hernia mesh as a medical tool is implanted into the body through surgery. The mesh is attached using sutures and helps repair the hernia’s connective tissues. Hernia mesh has pores all over it, making it possible for the tissues to grow into the mesh.

This medical device is made from synthetic polypropylene. This synthetic material is also used in making plastic packaging, toys, and luggage.

How Hernia Mesh Complications Start

Complications can arise from the implantation of the hernia mesh inside the patient’s body. The human body naturally reacts to foreign substances. If the plastic used in making the mesh breaks down inside the body, it can lead to severe complications.

Common Symptoms of Hernia Mesh Failure

Most hernia mesh complications do not happen immediately after the surgery. Patients can be feeling okay for a while before noticing any symptoms. Some of the symptoms may manifest years after the surgery, while at other times, patients may notice symptoms a few weeks after the surgery.

Symptoms of hernia mesh complications include:

#1. Recurrence of Hernia

Although hernia mesh has proven to be effective in treating hernia, there are instances where the hernia reoccurs. This reoccurrence is due to the mesh’s inability to keep the muscle away from the abdominal walls. The recurrence rate after a hernia mesh implantation is up to 15 percent.

If the mesh used is defective, it becomes impossible for the hole to close up. The patient may feel pains and a bulge around the surgery point in such a case. This bulge is an indication that the hernia mesh implantation failed.

Where complications arise due to the implantation of defective mesh, patients can file a lawsuit and demand compensation for medical expenses and pains. With the help of a mesh lawyer, patients can get compensation due to them.

#2. Hernia Mesh Disintegration

It is difficult to predict how long a hernia mesh can stay in the body without disintegrating. These meshes are made from plastic and can break up into tiny pieces with time.

Hernia disintegration poses a severe health challenge to the patient as pieces of plastic move inside the body. The patient stands the risk of having their internal organs damaged when the mesh comes in contact with vital organs.

If a hernia mesh disintegrates, the patient will likely experience severe pain. There are also no guarantees that the doctor can locate all the pieces and evacuate them from the body.

#3. Mesh Relocation

Although the surgeon implants the mesh to the abdominal walls, these surgical devices can migrate. This migration is dangerous as the mesh can perforate vital organs as it moves.

Also, with time, the hernia mesh can lose its form and shrink. This deformity can cause serious complications like a hernia recurrence and possible damage to other organs and tissues.

#4. Mesh Rejection by the Body

Hernia mesh is an artificial object implanted into the human body. The body can detect foreign bodies and react to them where it cannot tolerate such substances.

The human immune system is wired to fight foreign objects. This rejection may lead to infection and abdominal pain.

#5. Bowel Obstruction

The hernia mesh can attach itself to either the small or large intestine. This attachment can lead to bowel obstruction. Aside from obstructing the bowels, the mesh can perforate the bowels leading to life-threatening conditions. Symptoms of bowel perforation include:

  • Severe stomach pains
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Swelling
  • Cramps

#6. Abdominal Adhesion

Abdominal Adhesion as a medical condition refers to the sticking together of tissues and organs. This medical condition is common among people who undergo abdominal surgery. Common signs of abdominal adhesion include chronic pain in the stomach, bloating, constipation, and vomiting.

#7. Infection

One of the most typical complications from hernia mesh is infection. Manufacturers of hernia mesh claim that the medical device is inert. Yet, there have been cases where bacteria grew on implanted mesh and affected the bloodstream.

Hernia mesh infection can lead to inflammation of the abdominal walls, fever, and severe pain. The surgeon may need to carry out abdominal surgery to remove the mesh where infection occurs.

Why Hernia Mesh Fails

Hernia mesh complications can occur due to different reasons. Some of the reasons include:

  • Product design: the design of the mesh can affect its success rate. Meshes made from heavy material with tiny pores have a higher tendency of causing infection than others that are not. Also, complications are likely to arise where the mesh is not big enough to cover the hernia.
  • The patient’s pre-existing health condition: patients with pre-existing health conditions like cancer, obesity, steroids, and lung diseases are more likely to suffer from hernia mesh complications.
  • Surgical technique: the technique used in carrying out the surgery can also increase or decrease the chances of complications arising afterward.

What to Do if you Suffered from Hernia Mesh Complication

Patients who experience any symptoms of infection should contact their healthcare provider immediately. Promptly seeking medical attention will ensure that the situation is less complex.

However, if you or your loved one suffered complications from a hernia mesh implantation, you may be entitled to compensation even if the product has been withdrawn from the market. Consult a lawyer who may be able to help you get your due compensation.

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James is a freelance writer and blogger. He loves to write on wellness, tech and E-Health.
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