The High Cost of Low Patient Satisfaction Scores [INFOGRAPHIC]

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Did you know that the number one patient complaint in hospitals is noise level? So what happens when you give hospital staff smartphones? Much less overhead paging resulting in much lower noise levels. According to the following infographic, hospitals that armed caregivers with smartphones saw a 78% decrease in overhead paging.

Did you know that the number one patient complaint in hospitals is noise level? So what happens when you give hospital staff smartphones? Much less overhead paging resulting in much lower noise levels. According to the following infographic, hospitals that armed caregivers with smartphones saw a 78% decrease in overhead paging.

Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) are assesment surveys given to patients about their experience at a specific hospital.  The questionnaire measures the patient’s experience, perceptions and level of satisfaction during their hospital stay. It’s extremely important for hospitals to maintain high HCAHPS scores as it pertains directly to the patient experience.

Hospitals are incentivized to have high HCAHPS scores.  HCAHPS performance  is used in the calculation of the value-based incentive payment in the Hospital Value-Based Purchasing program.

Read the HCAHPS fact sheet: HCAHPS 

The following infographic by Voalte (www.voalte.comshows some of the ways smartphones can help hospitals improve their HCAHPS scores:

 low patient satisfaction scores

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