How Medical Answering Services Can Improve Patient Care

Medical answering services offer a number of huge benefits that healthcare providers can't ignore.

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Technology has led to some major changes in the healthcare sector. One of the biggest changes has been the explosion in demand for telehealth services. The market was worth just over $40 billion in 2021 and is projected to grow at a rate of 38.9% a year through 2028.

There are a number of benefits of telehealth services. However, there are still some challenges that need to be resolved to streamline healthcare.

Recent advancements in telehealth and service delivery within the medical profession have brought significant benefits to healthcare providers, enabling them to deliver a better standard of care, while also benefiting patients.

The benefits these services can offer were clearly demonstrated during the COVID-19 pandemic when telemedicine took center stage, enabling the healthcare sector to function despite the huge challenges placed on its resources.

Medical answering services play an important role in the area of telehealth as they allow patients to access medical services remotely, streamlining communications and facilitating improved patient outcomes. This article will explore some of the ways patients benefit when a healthcare provider uses a medical answering service.

Increased Patient Satisfaction

A study published by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) revealed that 97.6% were satisfied with their telehealth experience, highlighting the positive impact of digital communication technologies in the field of healthcare.

As a result, many healthcare providers are looking to medical answering services to meet their patient’s needs and expectations. From prompt call handling and appointment management to after-hours support, medical answering services can offer patients the care and assistance they need in a timely and efficient manner, enhancing their overall healthcare experience. These solutions offer many of the same benefits as healthcare call centers.

Improved Accessibility

For many people, access to a healthcare provider can be challenging causing them to delay or even forgo the medical care that they need. Accessing healthcare can be an issue for various reasons including:

  • Remote or rural areas: Certain remote or rural areas may have few healthcare resources or lack the infrastructure needed for people to access them easily.
  • Elderly or disabled: The elderly or people with disabilities may suffer from mobility issues which make it more challenging for them to access healthcare services in their area. A hospice that makes use of a home care answering service can greatly benefit elderly residents in the community.
  • Lack of transport: For some, the lack of reliable transport can make it difficult for them to attend appointments on time and to receive the healthcare they need.
  • Working professionals: Healthcare services are usually only available during office hours making it difficult for busy professionals to find time in their day to arrange or attend medical appointments.

With the help of medical answering services, some of these barriers to accessing timely healthcare assistance can be reduced.

After-Hours Support

Receiving medical attention in a timely manner is not always possible. Often, phone lines are busy, the correct specialist is working another shift, or the medical center is simply closed for the day. This can be of particular concern in the case of a pressing medical issue or emergency. A medical answering service that offers after-hours or 24-hour support can provide peace of mind to patients, as they know their questions or concerns will be dealt with any time of the day or night. Additionally, doctor answering service solutions can further streamline this process, ensuring that patients are connected with the appropriate medical professionals efficiently and effectively. 

In an age when many service providers rely on automation or chatbots for customer communication, medical answering services can also offer the comfort of a person at the other end of the line. This can be particularly reassuring in the area of healthcare where a personal touch and bedside manner is essential to delivering quality care.

There are several reasons healthcare providers should consider employing the use of a medical answering service.

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Aeden Smith-Ahearn is the treatment coordinator for Experience Ibogaine treatment centers in Mexico. After dealing with heroin addiction for over 7 years, Aeden put his last hope into Ibogaine treatment. Now, 5 years later, Aeden has helped thousands of addicts find freedom and sobriety through Ibogaine treatment. He feels overwhelmingly blessed every day to be helping addicts find happiness in life.
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