How Familiar Technology Is Being Used to Advance Digital Health

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Misfit Shine, a polished, chrome health tracker was among the pieces modeled at New York Fashion Week this year. Born out of an Indiegogo campaign and designed to record diet, workout mileage, sleep patterns, and caloric intake, Misfit reads more as a high-fashion bracelet than medical device. (Plus it comes in a variety of colors and can be worn anywhere on the body.)

Misfit Shine, a polished, chrome health tracker was among the pieces modeled at New York Fashion Week this year. Born out of an Indiegogo campaign and designed to record diet, workout mileage, sleep patterns, and caloric intake, Misfit reads more as a high-fashion bracelet than medical device. (Plus it comes in a variety of colors and can be worn anywhere on the body.)

As we push into the future of medical technology, form and function are colliding, enabling users to take a proactive role in their health. Plus, these shiny game changers are encouraging younger generations to implement health tracking into their daily routines. Read on and explore even more ways everyday technology is advancing nutrition, health, and wellness.

Sleep Tracking

More and more, scientists and doctors are touting the importance of a good night’s rest. Recent research suggests that lack of sleep negatively affects learning and memory, metabolism, weight, heart health, mental health, immunity, and even coordination. So it’s no surprise that digital health engineers are clamoring to introduce the Next Big Thing in sleep tracking technology.

Currently, many smartphone apps exist—Fitbit, Sleep as Android, Sleep Cycle, and Sleepbot to name a few—that claim to enable users to improve their REM habits. As more consumers invest in sleep-calculating devices, health companies are seeking to analyze the data and offer sophisticated, sleep-improving gadgets. Recently, the London-based company Big Health scored major funding for an international move and app development. Their goal is to fine tune their tool, Sleepio, a collaboration with the University of Oxford and corner the sleep-tracking market. The partners seek to employ cognitive science and personalized assessments in order to deliver individualized, habit-forming “lesson plans.”

However, Sleepio isn’t alone in its endeavors. The iWatch–Apple’s newest release–is also counting on providing a multi-functional, wearable device. Although initial reviews have found Apple’s new product leaving much to be desired, Apple’s track record invites optimism for future iterations.

Google Glass’s Incredible Potential

Rafael Grossman, attending surgeon at Eastern Maine Medical Center recently penned an article expressing his enthusiasm for Google Glass’ possible medical applications. The first person to perform a documented, surgical operation using the technology, Mr. Grossman has high hopes for the device’s future. For example, he points to Google Glass’ eye-movement detection features as presenting “marvelous opportunities for quadriplegics to functionally reintegrate back to life.”

The same might apply for senior citizens and other patients who struggle with mobility. Many of them found asking the same question that where can i buy online adderall. Truly, Google Glass’ unique, body-sensitive technology, when utilized for everyday health and wellness, has endless practical applications. Using new technology, previously-marginalized segments of the population will possess even more tools to thrive.  

Consumer Consciousness

Manufacturers will continue to produce groundbreaking devices. However, it’s up to us as consumers to sustain a demand for these life-changing inventions, as well as demonstrate our own creativity in their everyday applications.

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