How to Advance Your Nursing Career: Step-by-Step Guide

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Did you know there are 4.2 million nurses in the United States? If you want to stand out, you have to invest in your career.

Generally, most nurses follow the same career path. They earn their degrees, gain work experience, and then move into a full-time nursing role. Their nursing career grows as they get more experience. It’s a formula that works well – and will continue to do so for the coming decades.

However, if you want to advance your nursing career and ultimately open up more opportunities for yourself, there are further steps that you can take to do this. Sound interesting? Great – this guide has all the details you need.

Let’s run through the step-by-step process existing nurses can take to boost their careers, earn greater salaries, and experience greater professional satisfaction.

Step 1: Study an Online Nursing Program and Get Certified

As a nurse, you live a busy life, right? This means that you have a limited time outside of work to study, which is why online programs are the perfect solution.

In the modern age, you can now study online nursing programs provided by acesonursing from the comfort of your own home. What this means is that you can acquire all the knowledge and skills you need without having to travel anywhere. For example, students can study an IV Therapy course.

After completing your chosen course, you’ll be able to open up new opportunities for yourself within the field of healthcare; and ultimately be able to take on more responsibilities and even command higher wages.

Step 2: Consider Returning to University

In addition to earning nursing certificates online, thousands of other nurses are now returning to university, too. The reason for this is simple: to study for their master’s degrees.

In 2022, having a master’s degree in any nursing subject is a great way to further your career. This is because you become equipped with specialist knowledge that automatically puts you ahead of other nurses in the industry.

A popular example is the Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) master’s degree that many nurses are now studying for.

When it comes to returning to university to study for a master’s degree, many institutions allow you to do this on a part-time basis while studying remotely from home. This is because universities know that nursing professionals lead busy lives and therefore can’t study full-time on campus.

Step 3: Start Networking

Across all industries – from healthcare to technology – networking is an excellent tool for career advancement.

As a nurse, this is something you can’t afford to ignore! So, if you don’t have one already, the first thing you need to do is create a LinkedIn account. On this platform, you’ll be able to reach out to fellow professionals within your industry – such as specialist nurses and leaders of healthcare practices – to begin networking with them.

This can lead to all kinds of benefits, such as being recommended for job openings.

Step 4: Request Feedback from Colleagues

Lastly, make sure to request feedback from your existing colleagues. You have to keep improving your skills to become a great nurse, which is impossible without input from your mentors and colleagues.

No matter what type of nurse you are – be it a Critical Care Nurse or Nursing Assistant – requesting feedback from your colleagues will help you to grow professionally and prepare for advancing forwards in your career. After all, the only way nurses can grow and learn is through listening to feedback and taking it on board.


Whether you’re a beginner in the world of nursing or have been a Registered Nurse for several decades, the steps above will help you to earn new career opportunities and progress into more advanced roles. Good luck!

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My name is Abby Norman and I am a healthcare blogger. With over 10 years of experience in the medical field, I have developed a passion for helping others understand the complexities of healthcare.
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