How to Heal Much More Quickly After Plastic Surgery

4 Min Read
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Plastic surgeries are far more common than most people think. Around 15 million cosmetic plastic surgeries are performed each year. The number is even higher when you consider reconstructive surgeries.

Unfortunately, even minimally invasive surgeries can be painful. You have to take the right steps to recover from any surgical procedure.

No one wants to feel in pain and uncomfortable any longer than they have to, which is why you might be curious about whether there’s anything you can do to speed up the healing process after plastic surgery. While your surgeon might provide a list of recommendations for wound care, they might also suggest doing some of the following things to accelerate your healing.

Take Prescribed Medication

Any plastic surgeon use will likely prescribe medication for you to take for pain and possibly to reduce the risk of infection. Even if you feel at your best, take any prescribed medications as directed.

Failure to manage your pain might result in increased blood pressure, which may even cause more obvious bruising and possible complications. If you’re unsure about your dosage or best use instructions, consult your plastic surgeon for advice.

Eat a Healthy Diet

What you eat might help or hurt your recovery journey. Studies have highlighted a number of foods that promote healing, reduce inflammation, and improve immune function. Leafy green vegetables are rich in polyphenol antioxidants, which are known for their anti-inflammatory properties, while eggs have vitamin A and B12, both of which might assist your immune system. Your body might also benefit from nuts and seeds, berries, salmon, and organ meats, all of which are packed full of wonderful nutrients your body could use during the healing process.

Don’t Push Yourself

When you’ve taken your prescribed medication to keep your pain levels to a minimum, it’s easy to gain a false sense of security that your body truly isn’t in pain. In reality, that pain is being masked for your comfort. As fit and healthy as you feel, refrain from doing anything strenuous, like lifting weights, until your plastic surgeon has permitted you to do so. Failure to follow their instructions might delay healing and potentially create unwanted complications.

Don’t Remain Idle

While you don’t want to push yourself into intense physical activity immediately, it’s also important not to remain idle unless instructed. Many medications can have constipation as a side effect, and light exercise is often necessary to keep your bowel movements frequent. Increase your fluid intake, take short walks around the house, and ask your plastic surgeon for advice if constipation is causing significant discomfort.

Protect Any Wounds from the Elements

Cosmetic surgeons are masters of their craft and know how to perform procedures that leave minimal scarring. However, you can also do your part for a shorter healing process and less visible scarring by protecting your wounds from the elements. Apply sunscreen with at least SPF 30 and limit your time outside in direct sunshine. You might also see the value in avoiding swimming, strong wind, smoke, and any irritants that might impact your scar or wound site.

Our bodies need as much time as possible to heal after plastic surgery, and the process will take as long as it needs to. However, when you take care of your body and follow your surgeon’s advice, you might be surprised at how quickly you’re able to recover.

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