How to Improve The Health Of Your Skin With CBD

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Shutterstock Photo License - By Girts Ragelis

Your skin is just one of those things that you only have so much limited control over. It seems so unfair that some people can have the perfect complexions for what seems like years and years, while others are doomed with acne, itching, and red spots right from birth.

While there are now miraculous medications and procedures that can help with these very things, there is still just a limited amount that can be done regarding genetics. However, skincare routines change with age, making the process even more complicated. In addition to this, you probably know nothing of the endless supply of retinol products, exfoliants, and serums available today.

Simply put, skincare can be a complicated matter. Luckily, there might now be one simple and natural ingredient that can change everything. What is this ingredient? CBD! You’ve likely heard a lot of talk about this substance as of late. You’ve probably heard about its power to help with everything from anxiety to physical pain. But, what about skincare? Can CBD work wonders for one’s skin?

CBD Soothes Skin Diseases

If you do a little research, you will find quickly that inflammation is the number one underlying cause of a lot of visible and uncomfortable skin diseases. Eczema, psoriasis, and rosacea. All visibly noticeable skin diseases, all embarrassing, and all are ever so painful. Well, the underlying cause of these conditions is inflammation. Unfortunately, things do get a bit more complicated, as the causes of this inflammation can be wide and varying. Some people might be experiencing these diseases because of immune system imbalances.

Some people’s inflammation problems might be due to fluctuating hormones, or a variety of other external factors. This is where CBD helps. You’ve likely heard that one of the major benefits of the substance is its ability to reduce inflammation. That’s exactly what it’ll do by interacting with the body’s endocannabinoid system, attaching to the necessary receptors to send out anti-inflammatory responses. In addition to this, CBD helps with inflammation as well as that annoying itching accompanied by most of these conditions.

There have been a variety of studies regarding these very topics, but one stood out amongst the others. This one involved 21 patients who were suffering from severe itchiness. It proved that the eight of these individuals who consumed CBD regularly in the form of a CBD cream eliminated their skin conditions and ailments.

Managing Acne Breakouts

Anyone that’s previously dealt with bad skin or skin conditions can tell you that acne is not only reserved for adolescence. One can be plagued with breakouts well in their 20s and 30s. Acne can be triggered by a variety of conditions like clogged pores, excessive oil production, stress, and sometimes the use of certain medications. CBD can help with all of these conditions by fighting inflammation. However, the substance also goes a step further by helping regulate cell growth as well as oil production.

If you check it out here, you will see that there are a variety of CBD products available today that can be consumed orally and topically. When using them in this manner, your skin will absorb the cannabinoid compounds. When it does this it will activate the anandamide parts of the endocannabinoid receptor system. It is these wonderful little fatty transmitters that are responsible for regulating cell growth. Studies show that when CBD interacts with the transmitters and keeps them active it helps balance the entire system, keeping your pores from clogging. Without potential clogs, there will be no worry of acne breakouts. What’s even better is, this little transmitter is also responsible for the reduction of anxiety.

This is a process that can kill two birds with one stone, as you’ll be able to rest a little easier while waiting for these breakouts to diminish.

Fighting Signs Of Aging

No one wants to age, but it is just an unfortunate part of life. It also comes with a lot of visible consequences. When aging you’ll notice it in the skin first and foremost. Collagen production will drop and the skin will start to sag. Fine lines will also be more visible and much harder to manage. CBD can help. CBD, believe it or not, is a powerful antioxidant that can help battle fine lines and wrinkles. Along with this, it’ll protect the surface of your skin from further deterioration from pollution and stress.

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