How To Prepare For Personal Trainer Certification Testing Like A Pro

6 Min Read


To become a certified personal trainer, you have to study for and pass the NASM (National Academy Of Sports Medicine) exam. You are going to study all by yourself. There is no formal class for this. Therefore, you need to have self-discipline and stay focused to enable you pass the exams well. Only then will you qualify to work as a certified personal trainer.

The following study tips will help you study and pass NASM testing – and may also be helpful in prepping for other healthcare certification endeavors.

1. A Study Guide

A study guide is important if you want to study for the NASM tests and pass. You can purchase one from Amazon or online bookstores. It helps you study chapter by chapter. It ensures that you cover all that you are required to qualify to be a personal trainer. Ensure that you follow the study guide and do the activities and tests provided.

2. Use Notecards

As you start studying, you need to make notes. Notes help you breakdown chapter by chapter in simpler terms. You may use many notecards, they will help you to keep your mind organized. Additionally, it is easier to refer to the cards. If you do not intend to use the notecards, you can use any other method for taking notes down. Studying while making notes, enables the ideas to stay in your mind for a long time.

3. Make a Study Time Table

Just like any other field, you need to make a study timetable. Write down the chapters to study and the activities for each particular time. This will help you get organized and cover every chapter on time. A study timetable will help you identify the problem areas that need more attention and allocate them more time. Include in your study calendar, the time for taking tests and practices.

4. Study Online

Since you are studying for the exam all yourself, you should make it interesting. Using online materials will make the learning process fun. There are plenty of materials such as the YouTube videos and articles. You can also enroll for online classes. Most of these online classes operate just like normal classes. You are given tasks and practice tests that you are required to submit on time. This will help you stay motivated and focused.

5. Do a Lot of Practice Tests

Make sure to take as many tests as possible. Take a few tests for each chapter you cover. Take more tests for the chapters you have a problem understanding. There are plenty of tests available in the study materials and online study platforms. Make sure to do all of them. The more tests you do, the more you understand different formatting of tests. This will leave you fully prepared to undertake the actual NASM exams.

6. Know All the Body Muscles

Make sure you know each and every muscle in the human body and know their functions. To easily remember all the muscles, you can classify them into Under and Overactive types of muscles and color them. This will help you remember quickly and easily. Additionally, practice important muscle moves with your own body. This will help you figure out the planes of movement on your body for easy remembrance during the exam time.

7. Join Study Groups

Studying on your own is very affordable enjoyable and even very flexible – you can work wherever is most comfortable for you. But for a more engaging and for easy understanding, you can join study groups, online or in-person workshops. They will help you stay focused and motivated as you study and prepare for the NASM exams. It also makes the study faster compared to when you are doing it alone. You can talk to people who have done the NASM exam before or fitness mentors. They know a little bit about what to expect. This will help you a long way in passing your exam.

8. The Actual Exam

You have to believe in yourself and that you have prepared enough for the exam.  What you should expect on this exam, is just the same practice questions you have been doing. Relax your mind and do your best. Start with the questions you are sure of, then handle the tougher ones later. Once you are done, take a few minutes to go through your answers again. Make corrections where necessary.

Final Thoughts

These tips will help you study and pass your NASM exams and qualify for your dream career. Do all the tests you come across. Most often, you will find the same type of questions on the actual NASM test. If you have done enough, then be sure to pass and get your certificate.

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James is a freelance writer and blogger. He loves to write on wellness, tech and E-Health.
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