How To Tailor Your Kitchen To Your Health Goals

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Your nutrition habits are one of the most important factors for your longterm wellbeing. However, there’s one thing that you have to take into consideration and that is the fact that the conditions in which you prepare your food matter, as well. With that in mind, remodeling your kitchen may make a major difference when it comes to your eating habits. So, here are several kitchen remodeling tips that could help you lead a healthier life.


The first thing you need to understand is the fact that the conditions under which you store and prepare your food make a world of difference when it comes to the wellbeing of the inhabitants. The reason why this is so important for the remodeling of the kitchen is because an investment in kitchen elements that have easy maintenance may elevate the overall hygiene in the kitchen. Door style with minimal detail and a reduction in the amount of open-shelving present are incredibly important for all of this to work. By having to spend less time to clean your kitchen, you’re more likely to do it more frequently.


The next thing you should understand is the fact that there are some appliances that will make it much easier for you to prepare healthy meals. For instance, those who are dead-set on eating healthy should definitely avoid getting a deep fryer and change their perspective a bit. For instance, getting an instant pot could encourage one to eat more rice, which is one of the healthiest carbohydrate sources out there. A smart kettle could help one consume more tea, thus curing coffee addiction, while a smart scale may completely revolutionize one’s eating habits. It goes without saying that a reliable blender is a most definite must.


Surprisingly enough, the kitchenware that you use has an impact on the way in which you eat, as well. First of all, the size of your portions is sometimes determined by the size of the pots and pans used in the food preparation process. Therefore, by just measuring the adequate size of these elements, you can make a massive leap forward and make a big difference in your dietary habits. We’re not just talking about your pot set but about your measuring cups and spoons, as well as your strainers and colanders. The style of the kitchenware in question is quite subjective, even though you should try to go with the one that matches the rest of your kitchen.

Air quality

One of the biggest problems when it comes to food preparation is the evaporations which, during some parts of the year, may make this process almost unbearable. This is why you need to plan for methods that will allow you to improve the quality of the air in the room. First of all, while having a range hood and an AC unit are quite important, you need to understand that these don’t necessarily contribute to the quality of air as a whole. This is why you might want to closely consider installing air purifiers for smoke. Other than this, airing the room regularly should also be a must.

Color and appetite

There are so many studies suggesting that different colors may evoke certain feelings in people, even condition them to feel certain urges. Now, there are different colors that are known to boost or diminish one’s appetite. This is why a person willing to lose or gain weight might try to aid their attempts by choosing the proper wall color for their kitchen and dining area. Moreover, there are even some colors that are known to increase one’s desire to eat healthily, which is definitely knowledge that you can turn to your advantage.


When it comes to the issue of storage, you need to ensure that perishables are kept in a safe environment. The best solution for this problem in 2019 is to invest in a smart fridge. These fridges can scan barcodes from your products in order to know their exact expiry date. This alone could make a massive difference when it comes to your health. Other than this, you need to consider the way of making all the herbs, spices and ingredients easily accessible, so that you don’t get too lazy during your food preparation.


While on their own, these changes may not be enough to make you healthier, they make it incredibly easy for you to change your lifestyle and food preparation habits. By doing this, the likelihood of improving your overall nutrition becomes a lot greater, as well.

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Lauren Laporte is a Sydney-based content writer with a passion for healthful, mindful and plant-based living. She believes the human body is hardwired to heal on its own so you're better off learning how to listen to its cues! She's nuts about all kinds of animals(the weirder the better), nature and food. Her blog is dedicated to teaching people how to follow their gut, live from the heart and understand that, in the end, true well-being is inevitably an inside job.
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