How To Take Care Of Your Feet During Pregnancy

5 Min Read


It’s a fact that pregnancy and feet problems go hand in hand. During pregnancy the legs bear the entire body weight; it calls for proper care of your feet. Women face swollen feet and flattened arches, and if its not taken care of well it can last even after the pregnancy.

Scientific research has shown that pregnancy causes persistent losing arch height, rigidity, and more arch drop and increased foot size. Researchers also found that these changes in feet can become the cause for the risk of subsequent musculoskeletal disorders.

foot orthoses

The same researchers suggested that “the use of inexpensive, well tolerated and widely available arch supporting foot orthoses during pregnancy could potentially protect the long-term musculoskeletal health of women.” The foot orthotic insoles provide necessary support and relief that your feet need during pregnancy.

Take care of your feet during pregnancy:

  • Sustain a healthy weight:

Women tend to gain weight while they are pregnant as their appetite grows, so does their weight at times. It becomes crucial to maintain a certain level of weight and not exceed it. Higher weight increases the risk for problems in the knees, ankles, and feet for a lifetime.

  • Wear the right type of shoes:

Wear the shoes that support the arch of your foot, avoid wearing heels or slippers. Try finding shoes with thicker sole to provide your feet with support.

  • Avoid standing longer:

While carrying the extra added weight of the baby, pregnant women are told to avoid standing for too long. Reason being is it’s after effects on the knees, ankles, and feet.

Does the foot size increase while you are pregnant

Along with the changes discussed above you will also have elongated feet during pregnancy. The changes you will come across are as follows :

Elongated Shoe size:

It has been observed that the foot size of women increases during pregnancy; the increase is caused due to the rise in the hormones estrogen and relaxin during that time. These hormones help in relaxing your joints and pelvis to bear the childbirth, and this leads to loosening the ligaments in your foot, which could cause them to expand.

Widened Shoe size:

During pregnancy your body starts retaining more water which winds up down at your feet, causing swollen feet. Apart from that, as your uterus grows, it puts increasing pressure on your veins causing blood flow back to your heart. This process leads to swelling in your feet, legs or ankles.

You can prevent the swollen feet during pregnancy by staying active, taking a walk, remaining hydrated, wearing compression stockings, and so forth.

We can help you in solving your foot problem with orthotics treatment.

Now, What is Orthotics?

Orthotics is a medical specialty which is concerned with designing the orthoses. An orthosis is a device which is externally applied to support the structural & functional characteristics of the neuromuscular and skeletal system.

Types of Orthotics:

Rigid Orthotics are made using materials like plastic, metal or carbon fiber. This type of orthotics is designed to relieve the foot ache, back pain, strains in legs, thighs or feet.

Soft Orthotics are made from soft compression materials aiming to provide cushioning to take the pressure off your sore feet. This type is generally preferred by people suffering from conditions like plantar fasciitis, bunions or bursitis.

How the treatment of foot orthotic help:

When you are pregnant, you tend to lose a sense of balance because of an unusually increased weight. The orthotic insoles provide the support to the arches which keep them from bending and flattening your feet.

We, at Healthy Step Pedorthic Clinic design orthotics based on your unique foot structure, health challenges, and goals. Our team goes an extra mile by using custom made 3D model of each foot and skillfully build insole to ensure your comfort.


Taking care of your feet while pregnant is an important step to feeling more comfortable during the pregnancy.

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Healthy Steps Pedorthic clinic offers foot and lower limb orthotic services in the Ottawa area including Barrhaven and Kanata. Our clinics in the Ottawa area are unique in the fact that we take complete care of our patients from professional assessment to manufacturing custom devices in our own facilities. Nutrition Counselling by our Registered Dietitian is only available at our Barrhaven Location. At Healthy Steps we strive to provide the best professional care to the patient. Contact us for your consultation today!
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