Important Exercise Advice for Beginners

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The CDC reports that only 53.3% of adults meet the standards for aerobic activity each week. If you are like most people working out, you will need to up your game.

We all know how important it is to exercise regularly and keep fit but it is often easier said than done. It can be daunting joining a gym or heading out for a run when you are not used to exercising.

You need to make the most out of your exercise regimen. It is important to know what to expect when you are just getting started. However, you should also know what to do to exercise more effectively.

Getting Started with Your Exercise Program

Here are some tips for beginners on how you can start exercising and develop your own workout routine.

1.       Start small – do not try and push yourself too hard in the beginning, build up your stamina and strength. Get yourself some dumbbells to practice at home where you feel most comfortable and prevent any self-consciousness you may get when trying to work out in the gym. These hex dumbbells 5kg are great to start you out and help work up to heavier weights.

2.       Set realistic goals – go easy on yourself and set realistic goals for what you plan on achieving. If you set a goal to work out for 30 minutes a day every day then you might find it hard to maintain, and once you fall behind it can be really hard to get back into it. Set realistic goals that you are confident you can achieve to help keep you motivated and on track.

3.       Be consistent – the point of starting slow and setting smaller goals is to keep you in the habit of exercising regularly. You may struggle to find the motivation some days, but you should push yourself to keep up with your routine to prevent yourself from falling behind and losing momentum. It will be easier to be consistent if you know what exercises you can do from home, because it will be easier to do them.

4.       Train with a buddy – find another beginner or maybe enlist the help of someone more experienced to help guide you. Not only does this make your workouts more fun by turning them into a social engagement but you can also motivate each other and give tips or feedback.

5.       Diet – drink lots of water and make sure you are eating enough food to keep your energy levels high. You will probably find yourself feeling hungrier and you should listen to your body and increase your calorie intake to make up for the extra energy you are expending. Staying hydrated is also essential when working out, it can be easy to forget to drink water and then you could end up in real trouble.

6.      Make it fun – this could depend on what exercise you chose to do, or whether you bring a friend along or maybe you would enjoy turning your workout into a game. Do not rely on weight training or long runs just because you think that is what you should be doing, any exercise is good exercise so do what you enjoy.

7.      Track your progress – a great way to stay motivated is to track how far you have come. By keeping a record of how much more weight you are lifting or how much longer you can work out for, you will find it easier to move the goalposts and keep making progress. It also helps keep your morale high when you can see in black and white exactly how much of a difference it is making.

You will get a lot more out of your exercise program if you follow these tips.

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