4 Important Tips to Protect Your Eyesight

4 Min Read
Shutterstock Photo License - chingyunsong

If you’ve never had any problems with your eyesight, it’s easy to take it for granted. But the truth is, our eyes can deteriorate over time if we don’t take steps to protect them. Vision problems become a lot more common when you approach middle age. Over 30% of people over 65 have some form of vision impairment. However, people a lot younger can start developing vision issues as well.

Most of us can’t imagine our lives without the ability to see and preventative care is one of the best ways to preserve our vision. There are a lot of causes of vision loss. Fortunately, looking after your eyes doesn’t have to change your whole life and integrating these simple tips into your everyday routine can put your future self in a much better position.

Invest in quality sunglasses

We all know the risks of going outside without sun cream, but many people choose to squint on a bright day instead of donning a pair of shades. By doing this, they expose themselves to harmful UV rays, which have been shown to increase a person’s risk of developing macular degeneration and even cataracts. The good news is that there are ways to protect ourselves from UV rays. Sunglasses offer essential protection from the sun and can keep your eyes working properly for longer.

But you must make sure that the sunglasses you buy are of high quality, like these prescription sunglasses from FramesDirect. Always check that your chosen shades block 100% of UVA and UVB rays and never buy a cheap pair that doesn’t offer you this information.

Take breaks from your computer

Computers are probably a part of your daily life, but looking at a screen too long can harm your eyesight. Over time, you might start to experience blurred vision and eye strain, but some people also struggle to focus across distances and get headaches as well. Make sure you’re taking computer breaks every 20 minutes or so and book an appointment with your optician if you’re concerned you need a new prescription. As well as taking breaks, you may also want to consider changing your desk setup so your eyes are comfortable in line with the top of your screen.

Improve your diet

The food you eat impacts just about every part of your body, including your eyes. If you want to protect your eyes in particular, you need to incorporate lots of leafy greens and some oily fish into your diet. Citrus fruits along with nuts and beans will also help, but make sure that your diet is as balanced as possible. You need to be getting enough omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin C to keep your eyes in good condition. While multivitamins can be helpful, it’s always better to try and get nutrients from whole foods.

Wear safety goggles as needed

If you work in an industry where there are lots of hazards, then you probably already know the importance of safety goggles. But did you know that you should also be wearing safety goggles at home from time to time? If you’re working on a DIY project that produces sawdust or deep cleaning the bathroom with harsh chemicals, it’s a good idea to use protective eyewear. If cleaning chemicals or chips of wood come into contact with your eyes, they could cause permanent damage. Safety goggles are relatively easy to acquire and it’s not worth the risk of leaving your eyes unprotected.

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