Is Male Menopause a Real Thing? Yes, It Unfortunately Is

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Shutterstock Photo License - By Mama Belle and the kids

Menopause is commonly portrayed as an exclusively female condition, even though it affects men as well. So, why does medical discourse intentionally exclude men? It’s a question we can’t answer. What we can say for sure is that the condition isn’t rare.

As a matter of fact, numerous men experience a drop in testosterone as they get older. The decline is steady starting from the age of 30 to 40. In women, menopause is associated with hot flashes and mood swings. Is it safe to assume that the same thing happens to men? Men can experience the exact same symptoms as women, but it’s important to draw attention to the fact that some people have no problems at all. Plus, not everyone with male menopause will experience the same symptoms. 

Even though it’s considered a taboo subject, there’s evidence to suggest that countless men suffer from male menopause and issues with low testosterone. Individuals should be able to share their problems without fear of being judged. They shouldn’t have to suffer in silence. In fact, men feeling this way can seek help from licensed physicians at an online men’s health clinic like Male Excel, all from the comfort of their home. The symptoms of hormonal changes have a massive effect on everyday life, resulting in mental anguish. At present, we’re still struggling to understand people’s attitudes. 

Aging-related hormones in men and women are different

Sexual function and aging vary greatly between men and women. Unlike women, men don’t experience a sudden drop in sex hormones. The production of testosterone and other hormones declines over a long period of time and the consequences remain unclear. In other words, the body has a progressive and slow loss of androgen. A person must deal with the drastic changes brought about by aging, such as erectile dysfunction, low libido, and impotency. Men should be carefully screened to identify and treat various symptoms. In this respect, it’s worth going to a doctor, who will carry out a complete assessment of your health and testosterone levels. 

There is no consensus on how aging men respond to the ever-changing hormonal backdrop. Many argue that it’s a disease state. There are very few well-designed studies on hypogonadism in aging men, so we don’t have a comprehensive understanding of the issue. Testosterone deficiency may result in outcomes such as osteoporosis, mood disorders, lower muscle strength, and sexual dysfunction. Nonetheless, nothing is set in stone. Lifestyle factors and psychological issues are more often than not responsible for this. If you’re experiencing unpleasant symptoms, set up an appointment with your general practitioner. If stress and anxiety are to blame, you can leverage medication or undergo therapy. 

Diagnosing male menopause remains a challenge

Low testosterone levels in men tend to go unnoticed because the changes are subtle. It’s not enough for the doctor to perform a physical exam and ask the patient about their symptoms. Laboratory tests have to be done to rule out medical conditions that could contribute to the condition. What is more, blood tests should be ordered to measure the testosterone level in the body. A level of less than seven indicates low testosterone, while a level between seven and twelve is borderline and requires further testing. Male menopause diagnosis is challenging because most symptoms related to low testosterone levels are rather unspecific. With this in mind, let’s see what the main symptoms of male menopause are. 

  • Breast discomfort/swelling
  •  Hot flushes/sweats
  • Infertility 
  • Inexplicable grouchiness 
  • Headaches 
  • Weight gain 

If you experience any of the aforementioned symptoms, you might be experiencing male menopause. Your doctor might recommend hormone replacement therapy or other treatments. 

Hormone replacement therapy can alleviate and reverse some of the symptoms

Treatment is recommended for men with age-related low testosterone with or without symptoms. Therapy focuses on relieving signs and symptoms. As mentioned earlier, hormone replacement therapy is a common practice. Its aim is to correct the hormonal imbalance. There can be significant differences in individual regimens. Your health and preferences should influence the decision. If you’re interested, reach out to hormone replacement therapy doctors who can help correct hormone imbalance. The treatment should be carried out under strict medical supervision. There are several types of hormone replacement therapies available and only a professional will know which one is suitable in your case. 

Hormone replacement therapy is evolving as a treatment for androgen deficiency. Treatment includes intramuscular injections, oral preparations, and skin gels. There are no adverse effects on serum lipid levels or prostate, lung, cardiovascular, or liver function. Clinical studies indicate that testosterone supplementation is safe. More exactly, there’s no evidence that the therapy initiates cancer or contributes to the progression of an occult malignancy. It’s important for patients to discuss everything with their doctors, no matter what concerns they might have. After a couple of months of therapy, there an obvious improvement in sleeping, irritability is reduced. 

Making lifestyle changes before undergoing major treatments 

Lifestyle adjustments can help address some of the symptoms of male menopause. Examples include but aren’t limited to limiting the consumption of alcohol and caffeine, exercising on a regular basis, maintaining normal sleep habits, and practicing stress reduction techniques. Exercising, in particular, helps the body release higher amounts of testosterone. Beneficial exercises are running, cycling, and resistance strength training. Consistency is important, which means that training sessions should be kept short and intense. Men who don’t get enough hours of sleep tend to experience low testosterone levels. To improve the quality of sleep, it’s paramount to eliminate electronic devices from the bedroom. 

It’s recommended to make changes in your life and see how you feel. If the lifestyle changes haven’t had the desired effects, you might benefit from hormone replacement therapy. You should use the lowest dose possible in the beginning. Using low doses for a longer period of time helps protect the body from issues such as bone loss. Men who have suffered breast cancer shouldn’t undergo hormone replacement therapy. Equally, individuals with a history of blood clots, heart disease, or stroke shouldn’t go on this path. The doctor will most likely take a sample of your saliva to check the hormone levels. You’ll receive a personalized hormone formula, which has been tested for safety.

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