Is Platelt-Rich Plasma the next big thing in Stem Cell Science?

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Shutterstock Licensed Photo - By Vladimir Tretyakov | stock photo ID: 1705330714

Stem cells in general have been talked about in the news a ton over the last few years as science and such have developed and the treatment has become far more mainstream. PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) is probably best known for its treatment of injuries, mostly in extremely famous athletes amongst the likes of Hines Ward, Mario Williams, A-Rod, Bartolo Colon, Ryan Howard, Kobe Bryant, Derrick Rose, Tiger Woods, and Tyson Gay! That’s just a sampling of the number of athletes that have and are using it to treat their injuries. If people with that kind of money and medical support are turning to this therapy so frequently – maybe it’s worth considering for you. But still, you may be questioning if it’s totally safe, is it right for you? Well, let’s get into it and see because no treatment of therapy is one size fits all kind of thing!

What is Platelet Rich Plasma?

Before you can understand anything about platelet-rich plasma you need to know a few things about your own blood! Blood mainly consists of a liquid element called plasma. It’s pretty easy to differentiate, once you remove the red blood cells, white blood cells, other small components, the clear stuff that is leftover is going to be your plasma!

The special thing about these platelets of rich plasma is that they contain lots of fantastic proteins, enzymes, and other growth factors that can do an absolutely incredible job of boosting your body’s self-healing properties. PRP is going to be much richer with these particularly helpful elements than the plasma would be pulled right from your own blood. This will greatly boost the healing properties of your PRP and pay off fantastically for your recovery.

How does it all work? Where does the PRP come from?

A Platelet-rich plasma injection is going to start with your own blood being drawn. That’s the key thing here is that you are just using your body’s own stuff to give it a jump start! Once you’ve had some blood taken it’s going to be separated from the other stuff like the white and red blood cells and then be put in a centrifuge to be concentrated. Once they have enough substance to work with these highly concentrated platelets are going to be injected right into the area that needs treatment – and this should then quickly begin promoting fantastically quick healing in the affected area!

Is it really effective?

There’s a ton of firsthand accounts out there of people successfully using PRP therapy for the treatment of orthopedic injuries – all it takes is one online search to find pages and pages of testimony that you can read through. If you watch sports at all then you’ve likely heard the benefits of platelet-rich plasma many times over. More and more research is being published every single day on PRP and the number of benefits it has been found to have. From spine injuries to normal orthopedic applications, it helps with all kinds of things!

Platelet Rich Plasma for Hair Registration

After turning 50 years old, more than 50% of all men experience some degree of hair loss. Combined between the sexes there are roughly 80 million Americans with male or female patterned baldness. So, if you are having issues in the hair department feel confident that you’re not alone! But luckily for you, you DO have some fantastic options available to you. Platelet-rich plasma is a fantastic treatment, it’s easy to harvest and re-apply to the needed area.

Before anything happens procedure-wise you always need to talk about your exact needs goals and expectations to lay out a game plan for yourself. Sometimes the best therapy for you might be doing PRP therapy in conjunction with something like Rogaine or regular stem cell therapy.

How is PRP Hair Restoration Done

First, some kind of topical anesthetic should be applied all-around your scalp to minimize any discomfort that you may feel. Then actually getting the platelet-rich plasma that is to be used on the scalp is the next thing to be done! Again, as we said before that should be as simple as taking some blood and processing it then putting it through a centrifuge to isolate the PRP that is to be used. Then it will simply be loaded into a needle and applies all over the scalp, mostly focusing on any trouble areas you have or critical parts like your hairline, crown, and part. At the end of THAT process, we will then want to do a cycle of micro-needling to ensure we are getting optimal penetration. This entire process should take no more than an hour max and you’re free to go right home with no downtime!

Within mere months you should see smaller hairs starting to grow in, you can expect peak growth to really pick up after a few months like 2-4. If you are treating only specific balding in one spot then you may need to come back for regular monthly or semi-monthly injections to keep everything progressing smoothly. You can expect a bit of pain or tenderness, that’s normal after being stabbed and injected repeatedly. Other than that, we’ve never heard of any other side effects though if you feel anything out of the ordinary you should tell your doctor at once.

Is PRP Therapy safe?

Since PRP therapy uses nothing other than your own blood, just processed a bit but with nothing at all added, it has been shown to be entirely safe. Come talk to the experienced doctors at Neogenix Stem Cells for all of your Platelet-rich plasma therapy needs.

Should PRP be my first option?

If you are a semi-active individual, that ranging from someone that tries their best to stay active daily and even professional and amateur athletes the first you need to try to heal your body is always going to be a mix of changing up your workouts and ensuring your allow recovery time, changing your diet to better fit your lifestyle, and just being a healthier you. If you try all of that and do all you can to adjust things around your injury and still don’t see the results you want then it might be time to talk to your doctor, weigh some options, and even consider PRP.

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