Mobile Health Around the Globe: Synappz App Helps Organize Urinary Intake & Output

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NETHERLANDS – Erich Taubert and the team at Synappz Medical Apps has developed an app for the iPhone that creates a voiding diary, a report that helps those with urinary problems keep track of daily intake and output in an organized manner, creating a legible and clear diary that can be easily referrenced by the patient and the doctor.

Any time that anyone visits the doctor for a urinary problem, the doctor will ask the patient to keep track of intake (fluids consumed) and output (urine produced), as well as urge, pain and frequency of urination.  This report used to be created with pencil and paper, often resulting in a fairly illegible document.  The Synappz app eliminates the need for pencil and paper.  Simply enter your intack and output on your phone and the app will store it for easy reference by you or your doctor.

I asked Erich why he created the Synappz app and he answered that, as a urologist, he was constantly asking patients to keep track of their intake and output, and, as a result was having to decipher horribly illegible and disorganized paper records.  He immediately saw the need for something better.

Patients simply start when they want and enter everything they drink and the volume of urinary output and the app closes after each 24 hr period, creating a personal intake and output report that can then be compared to international standards in scientific literature. The report is clear and concise and can be easily emailed to the physician. The app is easy to use, even for the elderly.  As it is on the iPhone, it fits in your pocket and can be easily referenced.

“Patients are enthusiastic about the diary”, Erich says.  “They are using it to track their therapy progress.”

Synappz won the Doctors 2.0 start-up prize in 2012 and will be exhibiting at the international Doctors 2.0 conference in Paris, France in 2013.  If you can, please attend this wonderful conference and see them there!








And for more information, watch this great informational video:

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