Top 10 Healthcare Influencers To Add To Your Google+ Circles

3 Min Read

The Internet is an ongoing conversation full of ideas, news and tools. The conversations is always happening, and now Google+ is a way to participate in the dialogue of exchanging ideas.

The Internet is an ongoing conversation full of ideas, news and tools. The conversations is always happening, and now Google+ is a way to participate in the dialogue of exchanging ideas.

For healthcare marketers, it’s important to tune into the leaders in our field. Below is my list of the top 10 “influencers” (in no particular order) on Google+ in healthcare marketing and healthcare social media.

Top 10 Healthcare Marketers To Add To Your Google+ Circles

1. Alex Butler – 1,336 have Alex in circles: The founder and owner of The Social Moon, an Online Marketing Communications agency focused on the healthcare sector and based in London, UK.

2. Reed Smith – 512 have Reed in circles: A consulting strategist and thought-leader focused on the integration of social computing into hospitals.

3. Thibaud Guymard – 2,004 have Thibaud in circles: Digital strategist, marketer, scientist and innovative thinker in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology sector.

4. Howard Luks – 886 have Howard in circles: One of America’s Top Sports Docs, Dr. Luks is an Orthopedic Surgeon that believes social media should be used to influence healthcare delivery.

5. Kathy Mackey – 336 have Kathy in circles: Marketer for healthcare and technology organizations who specializes in healthcare, medical and technology.

6. Ángel González – 226 have Ángel in circles: Healthcare advertiser, social media marketer and branding strategist.

7. Simon Sikorski MD – 224 have Simon in circles: Founder of Healthcare Marketing Center of Excellence, a medical practice marketing company in New York.

8. Kevin Pho – 1,938 have Kevin in circles: Nationally-recognized healthcare opinion-maker who is often referred to as “social media’s leading Physician voice.”

9. Brian Ahier – 4,329 have Brian in circles: Expert on Healthcare IT and healthcare reform.

10. Nate Osit – 776 have Nate in circles: Health IT expert and implementation specialist with a passion for healthcare social media.

Google+ makes it easier than ever for patients to share their clinical experiences with their social networks. This is why we must embrace the +1 and ‘Circling’ capabilities.

I hope you explore this list and participate in online conversations with Google+. Let me know what other heavyweights I have left out of the healthcare marketing influencer list by commenting below. Thanks.

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