Keto on the Go

4 Min Read

The ketogenic diet is very popular at this point. It allows someone to eat high fat and lose weight at an incredibly fast rate. That said, there are some drawbacks. For one, it takes a lot of preparation. It can be very difficult to grab something to eat when you are out on the go. In this article we will focus on those times you are stranded without a meal and how to deal with that situation when you need keto on the go.


First off, the best way to deal this is by preparing. If you know you are going to be out for the day then bring snacks or a meal with you. Preparation is the best way to succeed while on the keto diet. There are many great keto recipes online you can check for inspiration.

Grab a snack at a gas station

Many people think that when they are hungry they must have a meal. Most of the time someone can just grab a quick snack to hold them over and get them through until their next meal.

So what kind of keto-friendly snacks can be had at a gas station? Well, first off you can grab a small bag of almonds almost anywhere. These have a low carb total plus they contain dietary fiber.

Another snack that can be grabbed at a gas station if beef jerky or beef sticks. Some kind of processed meat. When you grab a snack like this it is important to read labels. Sometimes beef jerky can be loaded with carbs. The only way to be sure it is keto-friendly is by checking out the label. Don’t take anything for granted.

Pork rinds are the ultimate gas station keto snack. If you don’t like pork rinds, that’s very unfortunate. Most of the time they have zero carbs and they are a crunchy, filling snack that is high in fat. They come in all different flavors. If you like pork rinds you can make them a staple of your keto diet.

Grab a coffee

Coffee is a great appetite suppressant. Many times someone can postpone their first meal of the day by a couple hours by having a cup of coffee. Be sure to be careful what you put in the coffee. If you go to Starbucks, you have to be extremely careful. Check the nutritional information online. Basically stick to coffee, cold brew, Americanos and heavy whipping cream.

Other people have the same effect when they drink water. Chugging about 32 ounces of water does a great job of keeping the hunger away.

Keto fast food is an option

Many people assume fast food is not an option on keto. That is wrong. Many fast food chains have salads. Granted, they aren’t the best salads, but they are an option on keto. Be sure to check the nutritional information by going to Diet Menus. Many of these dressings are loaded with sugar so it’s important to be very careful.

If you are out on the road and your only options are fast food, check out this helpful guide for anyone who needs keto-friendly fast food options.

Keto on the go is possible!

So the next time you are out on the road and about to give up on the keto diet, remember this article. You can always find a way to hold yourself over until you get back home and can prepare your next keto meal.

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James is a freelance writer and blogger. He loves to write on wellness, tech and E-Health.
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