Let’s Talk: Taking Care of Our Parents

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Shutterstock Licensed Photo - By fizkes | stock photo ID: 1231591420

For most of us, our parents are our biggest supporters. They’ve been with us as we celebrated life’s biggest moments and stuck around during some worst. They’ve watched us grow from being completely dependent on them to the successful and independent adults they raised us to be.

There comes a day when this independence will eventually start to decline. As our parents age, they’ll need to depend on us like we once did on them. Figuring out how to best take care of the people that have supported you since birth is not an easy task.

Here are 3 questions to ask yourself as you become the #1 supporter for your #1 supporters:

1. Which type of living situation is best?

There are many things to consider when deciding where your parents should live. Picking the right housing option depends on your parents’ mental and physical health and affordability. You have to consider the level of care they each need. You have to consider the legal actions you might have to take if something goes wrong inside their new home. Once you decide their ideal living situation, you’ll need to start looking at properties to decide which location is best.

2. When is it time to alter the level of care my parents need?

Say your parents start out at an active living community for a few years. While this might be a great situation for a while, they might need more help as they continue age. You’ll need to assess their situation by examining the new level and type of care they might need. This will continue to change so planning ahead is recommended so you’re prepared when the time comes.

3. Are my parents okay with this?

Regardless of the living situation and level of care they need, your parents should be okay with a majority of their lifestyle changes. Coming to terms with aging is difficult for most, so taking time to understand how it makes your parents feel is important. Walk through the details of their move, the staff they might have, and the changes happening around them. Be patient with them during this time. Remember, these are the people that raised you and gave you the start to the life you live now. It’s your responsibility to take care of them as well as they took care of you.

Making sure you parents have the best housing and care is no easy task. You want the best for them but there are many different things to consider when choosing what that looks like. By asking yourself the three questions above as you make these hard decisions, you can find the best possible option for your parents as you both continue to be each other’s #1 supporter.

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