Living In The Anxiety Era: Tips To Prevent Anxiety Attacks

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There’s a huge possibility that you’ve been struck by anxiety at least once in your life, especially today when we live in such a busy and hectic world. If you know the feeling of an anxiety attack, you also know that it absolutely such! It can feel excruciatingly stressful for some time and even put a strain on your entire day. Sometimes you know the reason for your breakdown (stress at work, difficulty in relationships or money issues) but sometimes it just appears out of the blue to smack you in the face. However, no matter how horrible all this sounds, the good news is that you can prevent anxiety attacks and here’s how.

Symptoms to keep an eye on

While every person is different, there are various different symptoms people feel and describe when talking about their anxiety. However, most of them agree on a few fronts: anxiety causes that unpleasant feeling of restlessness and edginess. You might also have a constant feeling of worry even though there’s nothing particular to worry about. Irritability and inability to focus are also often present. The most bothersome symptom of anxiety for many definitely sleeps issues—problems with falling asleep and staying asleep.

Causes of anxiety

Just like the symptoms, causes of anxiety are also quite diverse and complicated. Some of the most common causes are environmental stressors like problems at work, relationship instability, family issues or health issues that cause worry. It’s also smart to check your family medical history because anxiety can be genetic. In some cases, your brain chemistry can be a source of your anxiety if certain hormones and electrical signals in your brain are not firing properly. People who used to abuse substances and are going through withdrawal can also experience intense feelings of anxiety.


One of the most effective ways to get rid of anxiety is to hit the gym and get sweating! There’s a direct correlation between exercise and anxiety reduction because physical activity boosts the release of endorphins (good for you) and decreases the levels of cortisol (bad for you). And the best part is that you don’t need to run a marathon to see the effect of exercise! Five to ten minutes a day is often all you need to notice anti-anxiety results. So, no matter what your preferred method of exercise is (weightlifting, jogging or yoga) make sure to just do it every day!

Ditch alcohol in favor of CBD

Many people who feel anxious all the time tend to find comfort in alcohol. While an occasional glass of wine won’t do any hard, drinking daily will not only leave physical damage but make you feel even worse when the buzz wears off. So, try to replace your nightcaps with a hot cup of chamomile tea that will help calm your nerves and promote sleep. You can also mix in some hemp oil for anxiety with a cup of water, and have a perfectly relaxing drink before you hit the hay. In the morning, you’ll wake up fresh, energized and with zero hangovers! You can also carry your CBD with you and take it whenever you feel those horrible anxiety attacks coming to get you.


When you’re overwhelmed with anxiety, you can find your brain constantly bouncing from one problem and one dark though to another. One thing that can help with banning those negative thoughts is meditation. However, meditation doesn’t only involve sitting in the lotus position, closing your eyes and saying Om! What you really want to do is replace anxiety-inducing thoughts with mindfulness and clarity. While it might be easier said than done, if you really try, you’ll see amazing results. If you can’t relax, try guided meditation and follow the soothing voice of your instructor.

Try aromatherapy

You’ve probably heard about essential oils in the last few years. While they might not cure cancer as some might claim, they do work wonders when it comes to relaxation. You can choose to inhale them, add a few drops to your massage oil or warm bath or put them in a diffuser, some scents will definitely help with relaxation and anxiety. Most commonly used scents for relaxation are lavender, valerian, jasmine and bergamot and they all smell pretty amazing.


While anxiety attacks are indeed terrifying, if you employ these anti-anxiety tools, you’ll feel much calmer and more capable of pushing through those dark clouds that might be floating over your head.

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By Ashley
Ashley is an award-winning writer who discovered her passion in providing creative solutions for building brands online. Since her first high school award in Creative Writing, she continues to deliver awesome content through various niches.
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