Meditation Before Bed: How it Works

7 Min Read

Many people keep worrying at night and their anxiety becomes even more bothersome, which prevents healthy sleep. You focus on all the tiny things that your day was about and tomorrow’s plans. Also, you may not be able to sleep at all due to unpleasant events.

If this happens for a long time, you may develop chronic sleep disorders. For example, you may get insomnia, which is quite difficult to deal with alone. In addition, anxiety can prevent you from living a happy life.

Many people start looking for solutions to get rid of unsettling thoughts that keep them from falling asleep soundly. However, meditation before bed may be much more efficient and safe strategy to use.

People have been practicing meditation to balance their mental and emotional wellness for many years. As a result, many report that it eases their sleep problems, as well as insomnia.

However, few individuals see the benefits of meditation compared to drug treatment or don’t understand how to organize so to get the greatest effect.

We will share the benefits of mindfulness practice for healthy and sound sleep. In addition, we’ll explain how to use this calming approach efficientlyand what steps you need to take.

How does meditation contribute to better sleep?

People from different cultures and countries have been practicing meditation sessions for many years to achieve inner peace. Many people say that this activity helps break negative habits, support body functions, and even ease nervousness. On top of all this, it is a great approach to manage sleep issues.

Various studies have shown that meditation helps regulate the body’s hormones and increase the ones that promote healthy rest at night. This way it becomes a stress-reducing approach. It is also an approach for

Most significantly, mindfulness practice may help avoid sedatives and other sleep drugs or reduce their intake. Instead of easing the symptoms, you are getting inner harmony and calm. As a result, you will learn to regulate your thoughts and emotions and prevent them from disturbing your sleep.

What steps do you need to take?

Create the right conditions

Much depends on the conditions in which you practice meditation sessions. The effect may be insufficient if your meditation place is noisy and with other people present. You need the atmosphere to be quiet and calm. It is also important that there are no factors that can distract you. Consider doing meditation at the same time before bed.

Here’s how you can create the perfect atmosphere:

Get rid of things that might distract you

First, set up the lighting. You don’t need bright light, so use a nightlight or dim the lights in the room. Move all gadgets to another room. If you’re going to use your smartphone, turn off notifications.

Get comfortable

Select clothing that won’t be rigid as well as inflexible. You can learn to focus while sitting on a yoga mat on the floor or sitting on sofa.

Choose a technique

There are various meditation techniques accessible to you. To choose the finest one, you should carefully analyze each of its distinct features. If you don’t like a certain practice, you can always try something else. Here are some of the more well-known examples:

  1. Guided;
  2. Body scan;
  3. Mindfulness exercises/meditation.

Let’s see what features each of them has.

Guided meditation

This is an excellent method for beginners who may require mentoring. You might begin with special apps or videos. You will watch or listen to recordings of your coach, who will provide you with all of the information you need for the training session. Mentors can help you adjust your thinking and recommend various soothing techniques.

This method may not work for you if you can’t focus on your breathing and listening to the other person speaking. In this case, simply play soothing music.

Body scan

It is about learning to focus on your mind and body in the present moment. According to seniors, this strategy helps them alleviate sleeplessness and other related disorders.

The key is to train your brain to regulate its thoughts. You should focus on your body, analyze your sensations, and pay attention to specific areas. Is there any rigidity here? Which parts of the body are the most stressed? Do you find it easy to shut off your feelings and thoughts? Keep an eye on your inhalations and exhalations.

This will eventually help you distract from negative thoughts and develop mental discipline. Thus, rather than having ideas and emotions dominate you, you will have power over them.


The essence of this practice is to learn to find a safe space between what is happening in the moment and what emotions we are experiencing. You can practice this not only before going to bed, but at any time of the day when, due to certain situations, emotions can overwhelm you.

All you have to do is find the time and place. You don’t have to lie or stand. Also, you don’t need any equipment. You need to capture everything that is happening at the moment. At the same time, the most important thing is that you opt out of all judgments.

Sometimes things happen over which we have no control. The main thing is that our thoughts and emotions do not harm our emotional and physical health. Just feel the moment and let your mind stop being judgmental.


Taking medications or watching TV are not the healthiest and safest ways to gain sound sleep. This may help you ease the symptoms, while you have a great opportunity to learn how to control your thoughts and body through meditation. You will find it effective if you create a comfortable environment, practice with the use of an app or a sleep coach and choose the most appropriate technique, depending on your needs.

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