Online Classes Lead to On Camera Promo at Levindale

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It was lights, camera, action at Levindale Hebrew Geriatric Center and Hospital recently. Lori Jones, R.N., a case manager at our facility, was chosen by Drexel University Online to represent the school in an ongoing campaign.

It was lights, camera, action at Levindale Hebrew Geriatric Center and Hospital recently. Lori Jones, R.N., a case manager at our facility, was chosen by Drexel University Online to represent the school in an ongoing campaign.

“What Our Students Say” is a promotion that the Philadelphia area university is using to get the word out about the services that are being offered on the Internet. Ads featuring students, like Lori, include both their photos and their thoughts about the school.

Lori is currently taking courses in the R.N. to B.S.N. program, and she hopes to go into management. “I knew that I would never have time to drive to classes, so this online program was perfect for me,” explains Lori. “Faculty members at Drexel care about their students and are willing to work with them. They appreciate that most of us work full time, and they are flexible with assignments. They really want you to succeed.”

To make things even better, LifeBridge Health and Drexel University Online have an educational partnership, which was created to allow working professionals the convenience of taking courses online. In addition, reduced tuition rates are also given to those students. In Lori’s case, she feels that Levindale is already benefiting because she’s applying what she’s learning to her job now.

Lori was asked to be in the school’s ads after completing a survey, and not long after that, she was posing for campaign pictures.

“I never thought I’d end up doing something like this, but the photo shoot was a lot of fun and very interesting,” says Lori.

We’ll do a follow up blog post when her part of the campaign is unveiled.

-Helene King


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