Physicians and Blogging – II

3 Min Read
This is a follow up post to “Physicians and Blogging”. Here we look at Tips for Physicians to make their Blogging experience more useful, effective and mostly fun.
This is a follow up post to “Physicians and Blogging”. Here we look at Tips for Physicians to make their Blogging experience more useful, effective and mostly fun.
1. Clearly identify a theme for your blog.
A Blog is like any other project. If you don’t have a path you won’t know where you end up. Create a central theme for your blog and stick to it. Avoid making multifaceted and complicated blogs
2. Use Pictures as much as possible
A picture speaks a 1000 words. To make your blogging appeal more to your readers, it would be extremely nice if you will put some pictures in it.
N.B It does not necessarily mean you have to place a picture of yourself.
3. Make it interactive
As much as possible and if your capacity will allow it, make your blog interactive. You can do this by placing some video or audio clips in your blog.You can even place an area for comments. In this way, you can get the impressions and/or reactions of other people. Who knows, you might even gain some friends just by making them feel at home in your blog site.
4. Choose a good Blogging Engine
While there are many blogging platforms and applications, there are a few simple ones which are more popular than others. Blogger and WordPress both offer multiple free and simple to customize themes. They are both easy to use and allow one to post text, images, audio as well as videos.
In future posts we will provide a tutorial to setup a blog using each
5. Network Online
The more you network online, the more your blog gets visibility. Share your posts on Social networks. Ask other readers to give you suggestions, respond to comments. The success this brings will push you to blog more and will help make your blog even more meaningful.
Feel free to post your suggestions as well as links to your blogs in the comments sections below.
If you’d need any help setting up blogs for yourself, please let us know. We’ll be Happy to Help

Happy #hcsm via @TechnicalDr and @nrip
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