Re-Engineering the Hospital Discharge and Reducing Readmissions

2 Min Read

Researchers at the Boston University Medical Center (BUMC) developed and tested Re-Engineered Discharge (RED); which has proven to be effective at reducing readmissions and posthospital emergency department (ED) visits. The AHRQ and BUMC have levereged this research and developed a RED toolkit to assist hospitals, particularly those that serve diverse populations.  The major tools are:

Researchers at the Boston University Medical Center (BUMC) developed and tested Re-Engineered Discharge (RED); which has proven to be effective at reducing readmissions and posthospital emergency department (ED) visits. The AHRQ and BUMC have levereged this research and developed a RED toolkit to assist hospitals, particularly those that serve diverse populations.  The major tools are:

Tool 1: Overview

Tool 2: How To Begin the Re-engineered Discharge Implementation at Your Hospital

Tool 3: How To Deliver the Re-Engineered Discharge at Your Hospital

Tool 4: How To Deliver the Re-Engineered Discharge to Diverse Populations

Tool 5: How To Conduct a Postdischarge Followup Phone Call

Tool 6: How To Monitor RED Implementation and Outcomes

If you’re wondering, this is the same program responsible for Louise, my favorite virtual discharge advocate.  She can be more effictive than a real person because she:

  1. Relies minimally on text
  2. Enhances recall
  3. Provides redundant channels of information
  4. Listeners pay attention to gestures
  5. is more flexible and effective than a videotaped lecture
  6. Individualizes consistent messages – every time
  7. Cost effective – less need for clinician time
  8. Easy-to-use
  9. Has no time limit
  10. Can assess competency and understanding
  11. Can adapt to address issues of race, gender, ethnicity
  12. Enhances learning
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