4 Reasons Why Going on Holiday Is Good for Your Health

Vacations can do a lot to boost your health and well being, so you should take one every year.

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We are all experiencing a tremendous amount of stress these days. Around 33% of people report suffering extreme stress and 77% report having enough stress to adversely affect their health. Fortunately, going on vacation can help considerably.

Who doesn’t love a vacation? The sun, the food and an exciting new culture make them one of the best things we look forward to all year. Also, while they can often be a pleasure trip away from everyday responsibilities that some of us may feel guilty about, holidays actually have a positive impact on your mental and physical health.

This is great news indeed! If you’ve been thinking about bypassing your vacation days to clock up the hours and get even more done, think again. Here are just some of the benefits of a holiday which you probably didn’t even know about.

They reduce stress

The whole point of going on holiday is to take a breather from your everyday life. So, it stands to reason that there are fewer trigger points when you’re on holiday. Suddenly you’re not getting stressed about how messy the house is, how much you have to do at work and where you last put your keys.

Destress completely by making time for the things you love that usually get neglected. This could include curling up with a good book, lazing in the sunshine, going on a hiking adventure or enjoying a wellness treatment.

They encourage you to be more active

We have previously talked about the huge impact that stress has on our health. You need to take a number of measures to reduce stress as much as possible to stay healthy. The good news is that going on a vacation can do wonders to reduce stress levels.

With so much to see around every turn, holidaymakers have much more motivation to get out and about than people stuck at home. You’ll find that in every new city your step count will reach 5 figures as you scramble to visit every iconic landmark.

If you prefer an adventure holiday, every country has something unique to offer when it comes to hiking, cycling and even swimming. Cycling holidays in particular give you the freedom to go anywhere you please and at a pace that suits you.

They make you more productive

Vacations can do wonders for your energy levels. According to Harvard Business Review, one study found that 94% of people had more energy after coming back from a good vacation.

As we’ve already discovered, holidays significantly reduce stress which has the knock-on effect of making you more productive when you return to work. Research shows that for every 10 hours of vacation that an employee takes, their end-of-year performance ratings improved by 8%.

Revived, relaxed and inspired, you’ll find that a holiday can result in a much-needed mental reset.

They can help you lose weight

This might not ring so true for those of you who go on holiday simply for the food, but the mental recharge and reduction in stress levels can also result in weight loss.

Scientifically speaking, holidays can cause a decrease in glucose levels, minimizing the risk of obesity and diabetes. In turn, this can also improve heart health as the reduced stress gives your heart time to regulate and reduces the likelihood of a heart attack.

Take a Vacation to Reduce Your Stress and Improve Your Health

There are a lot of things that you should to do live a happier, healthier life. Going on vacation can be one of the best ways to accomplish this. You may want to take a pleasant vacation to live as healthy as possible.

So, if you needed another reason to go on holiday, you got it!

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