Four Reasons Why Resilience at Work Is Effective for Health

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There are a lot of things that you can do to live a stress-free life. Some of the most important steps involve making changes in the workplace.

Resilience at workplace is very important, so it will be the focus of this article. We have talked about preventing injuries at work before, but mitigating stress is just as crucial. We are going to outline why resilience at work is vital for our health. Modern-day workplaces are changing due to digital technology at a fast rate. This change is a contributing factor that is causing stress at the workplace.

Resilience in the Workplace is Vital to Our Health

As human beings, we are born with natural resilience to certain ailments. When this natural resilience is depleted, there is a chance that we can be overwhelmed. It can unfortunately result in trauma, and we will begin feeling a sense of worthlessness and helpless. Resilience is a skill that should not be taken lightly and just like all other skills, it can be learned over time. In this article, we will describe resilience at the workplace and outline reasons why resilience at work is effective for an employee’s wellbeing.

 Workplace resilience provides the energy that drives workers to grow a positive mindset to approach challenges at work. It is a motivating factor in stressful times or trouble and helps with developing problem solving skills at the workplace. After developing resilience, an employee is naturally able to take in their daily workplace tasks in a more relaxed manner.

Employees who have developed resilience are able to build relationships at the workplace. They are capable of effective communication. Such workers can also help each other be more successful, which helps make them better team players.

Basic Elements of Resilience

There are a number of views on what the most important aspects of resilience are, and some views will overlap. These views can be narrowed down to five key aspects.

1. Emotional wellbeing

Emotional wellbeing has to do with how effectively you manage your emotions, actions, and thoughts, as well as how you view the world. This is the most important pillar of resilience.

2. The Inner Drive

The inner drive is an employee’s ability to set goals and targets, self-motivation, and adoption of a forward thinking approach to solving life’s challenges.

3. Future Focus

Future focus has to do with an employee’s level of foresight and the ability to focus on solutions and look for change that is developed by an individual. It is what helps one to accept change, failures, and adversity.

4. Social networks

Having a strong relationship networks with family, friends and colleagues is also important for your health. This helps provide strong emotional and physical support during challenging times.

5. Physical Health

Physical health is also very important. There are major advantages of taking care of your physical self, as a poor diet, sedentary lifestyle and other unhealthy choices tend to affect the other pillars of resilience.

At times, colleagues, managers and leaders fail to reach an agreement on everything in the workplace. In order to be resilient, employees must be respectful and understand others in such a scenario without developing negative feelings.

Four main factors why managers should understand the causes of resilience and how to counter by introducing resilience building programs:

1. Employee Wellbeing

Workers can grapple with workload issues, but at the same time, the skills required to be resilient are meant to be beneficiary to the employees’ wellbeing by assisting them to perceive stress differently. Happy and healthy workers are very productive, which drives customer satisfaction and profitability.

2. Adaptability of Employees

The leadership of an organization, managers and their front-line employee counterparts are important in the process of implementing change. This is an inevitable aspect of the current fast changing business world.

3. Innovation and Learning at Workplace

To survive the murky waters of competitions, businesses need to be dynamic and innovative in order to survive. This means that employees are required to continuously maintain and upgrade their skills and capabilities. Managers need to realize that the learning curve steepens when employees are placed on a high degree of motivation and ability, which also applies when an employee is placed in new roles and situation. This will impact morale and resilience. It is at this point where an organization should opt for resilience training of employees.

4. Development in Career

There are many employees who strive to improve their skills. They have a better chance of learning to cope with workplace related challenges. Developing skills to build resilience helps with dealing with conflict resolution and negative feedback. It is a call upon the managers to understand the benefits and advantages of being resilient so that they train their employees effectively.

As stated in this content above, building resilience is a personal development. However, it is better if managers and an organizational leaders are involved by providing training opportunities and the tools that can make the process more comfortable and making it an organization’s culture.

In conclusion, having personal and professional networks can provide the best source of support in stressful times. It is also a source for maturing strong relationships. Resilient workers are capable of nurturing networks. They are good at good at building trust with others. They shall have developed a reliable support network to help them handle stressful situations in case they met challenges at work. They will be unique at the workplace for they will be able to manage stress by having developed a fighting spirit.

Tagline: Resilience at work is vital for both your health and workplace productivity.

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