Report: Obama’s Hopes for Reform on Global Scale Falls Short on Initial Goals

2 Min Read

Many armchair health policy watchers are fully aware of President Obama’s passage of the PPACA and its implications and continued struggles for universal application in this very pivotal decade in healthcare delivery. What may not be as widely known is his commitment to global changes in healthcare delivery and reform. Just over two years ago, the president launched an ambitious initiative to target healthcare delivery in the poorest of nations. I must admit, this flew under my radar — perhaps owing to the failed nature of this effort on so many fronts.

Many armchair health policy watchers are fully aware of President Obama’s passage of the PPACA and its implications and continued struggles for universal application in this very pivotal decade in healthcare delivery. What may not be as widely known is his commitment to global changes in healthcare delivery and reform. Just over two years ago, the president launched an ambitious initiative to target healthcare delivery in the poorest of nations. I must admit, this flew under my radar — perhaps owing to the failed nature of this effort on so many fronts. A report, furnished and financed in part by the Kaiser Foundation, does an excellent job in highlighting this well intentioned, but somewhat improbable and misguided plan on the part of the Obama administration to globalize healthcare reform. It profiles the 8 “laboratory” countries that serve as the early foci of the initiative. | LINK

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